FBI restricts search for Capitol protester suspected of police death

The FBI has reduced the suspicion of Capitol policeman Brian Sicknick’s death, according to several media reports.

Identifying the man who allegedly used bear spray against several people during the January 6 US Capitol operation is a priority for the agency, CBS News reported, citing unidentified sources.

It is unclear exactly how New Jersey-born Sicknick, 42, died. The day after the attack, Capitol Police said Sicknick was injured “while physically engaging with the protesters”. Several reports say he was hit by a fire extinguisher. But it now appears that his death may have been triggered by a response to bear spray, a chemical agent that irritates the eyes, nose and lungs and can cause swelling.

The New York Times reported for the first time that a suspect was identified in the case.

The Capitol Police, however, issued a statement Friday night in response to reports that the coroner’s report was not yet complete.

“We are awaiting the results of the toxicology and continue to work with other government agencies on the death investigation,” the statement said.

Identifying the man who allegedly used bear spray against several people during the January 6 US Capitol operation is a priority for the FBI.
Identifying the man who allegedly used bear spray against several people during the January 6 US Capitol operation is a priority for the FBI.

The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for clarification on Saturday.

Sicknick was honored at the United States Capitol and was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

More than 300 people who participated in the Capitol rebellion have been charged with various crimes.
