FBI launches investigation into Lady Gaga dog theft

The feds are investigating whether the kidnapping of Lady Gaga’s dogs was politically motivated, as she sang in the possession of President Joe Biden, according to a report.

The FBI is working on the case with Los Angeles police detectives, The Sun reported.

“Lady Gaga is known, of course, but she sang in the possession of President Biden, which takes the case to another level,” a source told the channel. “The FBI wants to know exactly what motivated this incident.”

An FBI spokesman referred The Sun to the LAPD, which is leading the investigation into dognapping, in which the singer’s dog walker was shot in the chest.

The representative noted that “the agency provides resources if / where requested to our local partners,” according to The Sun, which said it had contacted the LAPD.

An FBI spokesman referred The Sun to the LAPD, which is leading the investigation into dognapping, in which the singer's dog walker was shot in the chest.
An FBI spokesman referred The Sun to the LAPD, which is leading the investigation into dognapping, in which the singer’s dog walker was shot in the chest.SplashNews

The vehicle said that although the feds are involved, investigators are working on the assumption that the attack by the armed bandit – who ran off with two of the beloved French bulldogs from the pop megastar – was armed robbery.

Lady Gaga offered a $ 500,000 reward for returning her dogs.

Small dogs of the popular breed can earn between $ 1,500 and $ 5,000 in some circles, said American Kennel Club vice president of public relations Brandi Hunter.

Dog walker Ryan Fischer was walking down North Sierra Bonita Avenue with Gaga’s dogs – Gustav, Koji and Miss Asia – around 9:40 pm on Wednesday, when a four-door sedan parked and two men attacked, according to the police.

When Fischer started to fight, one of the men shot him once with a semi-automatic pistol, and the duo ran off with Gustav and Koji.

Fischer “happily is recovering well” at a local hospital, a source familiar with the incident told the Post.

Resident Buck Angel, who called 911, told The Sun that “the location where the attack took place cannot be just by chance”, adding that the area where it occurred “has no witnesses living there” and “has been empty for five years.”

“They had to have chosen that location to carry out the attack, and those dogs were targets for rescue, it had to be,” he told the agency. “They must have wanted to blackmail Lady Gaga for money.”

Angel added that he believed Fischer was dead.

“When they [police] I arrived and saw my neighbor across the street giving help to the man who was shot, ”he said. “He was compressing his chest, trying to stop the bleeding. He was saving his life.

“I really thought he was dead. He was shot once, I believe, although there were two shots, ”Angel added. “The wounded man said to our neighbor while he was compressing the wound: ‘Those were Lady Gaga’s dogs – that’s how we found out’

The Post contacted the FBI.
