Fans are convinced that the guardians are ‘safe’ with Taika Waititi

One of the main reasons why Marvel fans love the Marvel cinematic universe? They get to see all of their favorite characters interact. Before the MCU, it was rare to see several superheroes appearing in a film. In addition to team films like the X-Men, for the most part, these films focused on one main character.

Now? It is such that fans are surprised when more than one hero does not appear in an MCU film. One of the most successful partnerships was Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Let’s take a look at their interaction, what are the plans for them and why fans think the Guardians are “safe” in the hands of director Taika Waititi.

Thor and Guardians interaction in the MCU so far

Thor met the Guardians of the Galaxy during the events of Avengers; Infinite War. After Thanos attacks a refugee ship full of Asgardians, Thor dies floating in space and it is the Guardians who find him.

They join him in the fight against Thanos. Thor, Rocket and Groot eventually get a new weapon for Thor and join the fight against the Mad Titan on Earth. Unfortunately, all Guardians except Rocket die with Thanos’ snap.

As soon as the snap is reversed, the Guardians return to the final fight against Thanos. After helping to defeat him and his army, they let Thor join them in their ongoing adventures. Thor hands over the title of king to Valkyrie and the new group (one of them calls “the Asgardians of the Galaxy”) leaves the planet.

What the MCU planned for Thor and the Guardians

Taika Waititi
Taika Waititi | Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic

It is not clear exactly how the adventures of this new group will be, but one thing is certain: their interaction is not over. Marvel announced a fourth Thor film and a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Shot for Thor: love and thunder is in progress, and the Guardians are confirmed to appear in it.

What can fans expect from this union? Anything is possible, but given that the movie is so crowded, a Guardians cameo may be on the table. Wait for the Guardians to enter the first act, with the plot removing them as Thor’s main story unfolds.

Why Marvel fans are convinced that the Guardians of the Galaxy are “safe” with Taika Waititi

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So far in the MCU, James Gunn has directed all Guardians of the Galaxy films. Marvel put the characters in the hands of the Russo Brothers for the Infinity Saga. Now, they will trust them Thor: love and thunder director Taika Waititi.

This does not seem to be a problem for fans of the series. A recent Reddit topic discussing Gunn and Waititi’s collaboration allayed any fears that Waititi would not serve the characters well:

“Honestly, Taika looks like a more insane version of Gunn when it comes to MCU films. This is not bad for either, but it makes sense that the Guardians are safe with Taika because of this.

So, are the Guardians safe? If Thor: Ragnarok it is any indication, absolutely. Waititi proved to be an expert in directing superhero action comedies. Thor: Ragnarok has been successful on almost every level. This film was also a set of superheroes.

Waititi did a great job integrating various characters like Valkyrie, Loki, Hulk, Korg and Miek. There is no reason to think that he will not be able to do the same with the Guardians.

In short, Marvel fans can rest assured. There is no doubt that these fan-favorite characters will be in the right hands with Waititi.
