Ex-Marilyn Manson fiancee Rose Mcgowan praises Evan Rachel Wood amid abuse allegations against Shock Rocker

ROSE MCGOWAN, ex-fiancee of MARILYN MANSON, praises EVAN RACHEL WOOD amid allegations of abuse against Shock Rocker

Marilyn Mansonex-fiancee Rose McGowan expressed his support for women who accuse the singer of abuse and aggression.

On Monday, the actress, who was engaged to Manson for two years before they split in 2001, supported “Westworld” Star Evan Rachel Wood after she accused Manson “caring” and “horribly” abusing her for years.

In Instagram, McGowan wrote: “I deeply regret those who have suffered the abuse and mental torture of Marilyn Manson.

“When I say that Hollywood is a sect, I mean that the entertainment industry, including the music industry, is a sect. The sects protect top rot. Their disease is a disease that must be stopped. The fame complex industrialist chooses who they protect and who they will let be their victims. For profit.

“I get Evan Rachel Wood and all those who have or will perform. And, please, don’t pull the ‘why did they take so long to perform?’ question that embarrasses victims / survivors, is what prevents others from presenting themselves. And for all those who covered up monsters, what a shame. Get up and say no more. “

wood was engaged to Manson from 2010 to 2011. The two would have met when she was 18 and he was 36.

After wood shared their charges, at least four other women posted their own charges against Manson. The women claimed to have suffered “sexual violence, psychological abuse and / or various forms of coercion, violence and intimidation” at the hands of the shock rocker.

Several hours later wood went public with his allegations, Mansonthe latest record label from, Loma Vista Recordings, issued a statement interrupting his relationship with the singer.

“In light of today’s disturbing allegations by Evan Rachel Wood and other women naming Marilyn Manson as your aggressor, Loma Vista will no longer promote its current album, with immediate effect, “said the label.” Due to these relative developments, we also decided not to work with Marilyn Manson in any future projects. “

On Monday, Manson issued a statement denying allegations of abuse made against him, writing in Instagram: “Obviously, my art and my life have always been controversial magnets, but these recent statements about me are horrible distortions of reality. My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with partners with similar interests. Regardless of how – and why – others now they’re choosing to misrepresent the past, that’s the truth. “

In 2018, wood testified in front of a House subcommittee in an effort to get the Declaration of the Rights of Survivors of Sexual Violence to be approved in all 50 states.

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A post shared by Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan)


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