Elon Musk decides not to sell his techno music on NFTs like an NFT


Listen to Elon Musk’s music on NFTs on Twitter.

Elon Musk / Alison DeNisco Rayome / CNET screenshot

Tesla CEO Elon Musk changed his mind about selling a song about NFTs – short for “non-fungible tokens,” basically digital certificates of authenticity – like an NFT.

“Actually, it doesn’t seem right to sell that. It will pass,” he tweeted on Tuesday afternoon. Selling the music would give the buyer digital rights to the music.

On Monday, he tweeted that he was selling a song about NFTs. The song has a techno beat and repeats “NFT” continuously, eventually reaching the lyrics sung by women “NFT for your vanity, computers never sleep, it is verified, it is guaranteed.” No, it doesn’t seem Grimes for me.

Musk posted the song with an animated “vanity trophy” spinning around with many references to different elements of the technology, including dogs representing, presumably, Dogecoin. You kind of have to see it for yourself. He never disclosed which platform he would be selling the music on, or when, before changing his mind.

NFTs have received a lot of attention in the past few weeks, with artists, presenters and media people getting involved in selling digital rights for different things, CNET’s Rich Nieva reported. For example, a clip of Lebron James spoiling a fast break was sold for $ 100,000 on Top Shot, the NBA market for the highlights. In early March, Kings of Leon became the first band to announce the release of an NFT album, with three types of tokens that include special art and perks. Pop star Shawn Mendez last month announced a line of digital products in the form of NFTs. Meanwhile, the Associated Press is auctioning an NFT electoral map of the U.S. 2020 presidential race. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is even selling the first tweet on the platform as an NFT.
