Elizabeth Olsen rewinding John Stamos photo

“They grow up so fast …”

Hello, it’s me again, the person who literally can’t stop crying and screaming about WandaVision. But at least I’m not alone, as it has become one of the biggest TV shows today.

Although the program itself is an incredible piece of Marvel television, I feel like I haven’t talked to a single person who isn’t just praising Elizabeth Olsen’s performance.

Disney + / Marvel

I would like to give her all the awards now, thank you.

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I was browsing Instagram and I saw that John Stamos got on the train “We love Elizabeth Olsen”, and he reminded all of us that he literally saw her grow up.

Ahead of WandaVision final, John shared this adorable photo of him and little Lizzie backstage at Full house.

I kept shouting “TINY WANDA” after seeing this photo and I wish I could “like” it more than once.

Disney + / Marvel

Besides, I know this is how brothers work, but she looks a lot like Mary-Kate and Ashley in that photo.

John added the caption to the photo: “One day she is a little girl wandering the set, and the next thing you know, she is dominating an entire city, controlling the minds of the citizens to play their favorite TV series!”

“They grow up so fast …”

Jodie Sweetin, who obviously played Stephanie Tanner in Full house, even commented on the photo, which is just adorable.

Full house it is actually one of Elizabeth’s first actress credits. She appeared at the end of the series as “Girl with Flowers”. Although it is very difficult to identify her, because all she does is deliver flowers to the sisters during the final call.


In addition, the moment is cut off if you are watching the episode on Hulu.

It is clear, WandaVision paid tribute to Full house during the opening credits of episode 5, when Wanda, Vision, Billy and Tommy run to the camera and have a picnic.

WandaVision director Matt Shakman even said that these two references were a way of paying homage to “Lizzie growing up behind that program’s cameras”.

Basically, I’m thrilled WandaVision And this adorable photo of little Elizabeth Olsen, and I just needed to share it with everyone.

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