Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is all dad on Christmas morning

Instagram / The Rock

The Rock shared a photo of his daughter demanding that he play with her and her new Christmas toys in a painfully identifiable post

Hollywood star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is like the rest of us – I mean, in addition to being hot, a millionaire with the ability to lift a small SUV. Johnson, also known as Dwanta (Dwayne + Santa = Dwanta), shared a lovely photo at Christmas playing with his daughter Tia and the new Barbie she got for Christmas. And by playing he means holding Barbie while his daughter ignores him.

The Rock can be seen with a “#DeathGripOnBarbie” in the adorable Instagram post while her daughter is sitting at her feet playing with everything except Barbie. “After Christmas, ‘Daddy come and play Barbie with me’, which actually means … Daddy holds this Barbie for a solid 45 minutes in a row while baby Tia does what she wants and completely ignores Barbie all the time,” Johnson caption the photo.

He also uttered the phrase that most parents made at Christmas, which was: “It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?” with a drink emoji.

Johnson is always sharing cute moments with his kids with fans and we are happy that he does that. He seems to be a very active father and his children seem to adore him. I mean, how can you not?

On Saturday, the actor shared another photo of him sitting in front of the television with Tia, his Dwanta hat tilted to the side with a caption that said: “Dwanta spends months carefully planning for Christmas and this little independent chef opens just one gift and decides which will open the rest later, but first we’re watching LION KING … for the 987th time. “

It’s funny because it’s true. Parents build Christmas morning and, most of the time, the little ones find a toy out of the pile to play with instead of opening the other 500 or they get bored and move on to something completely different. The “something else” is usually a movie that they’ve watched a million times.

When he is not with his family, Dwanta is busy making other people’s Christmas dreams come true. He shared a video of a father who was selling some of his stuff on eBay so he could give his kids a Christmas they would remember. The Rock bought all the items and plans to take him to visit the DC Universe exhibition as soon as it is safe to make the trip.

We love The Rock for its honesty and ability to keep it real. It reminds us that we are not alone – a feeling that we definitely need this year.
