Durbin: Senate should consider changes to obstruction

A senior Democratic senator indicated on Sunday that he believed his party should consider canceling the Senate obstruction rule if Republicans were unwilling to compromise legislation pursued by the Biden government.

Sen. Dick DurbinFallout from the Dick Durbin uprising: The PATRIOT Act 2.0? Sunday program preview: All eyes on the Biden administration to fight the coronavirus CDC overnight medical assistance changes the orientation of the COVID-19 vaccine to allow the rare mix of Pfizer and Moderna injections | Senate chaos threatens to slow Biden’s agenda MORE (D-Ill.), The majority leader, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that “it is clear” that Democrats would consider changing the obstruction rule that requires most legislation to reach 60 votes to pass the House if the Senate is paralyzed by GOP efforts to oppose Biden’s agenda.

“The American people want us to take action, take action on this pandemic, take action on this economy and a number of other issues, and if this obstruction has become so common in the Senate that we cannot act, we will just sit there helpless, shame on it. Of course, we should consider changing the rule in these circumstances, “said Durbin.

“But let’s see. Let’s see if we can start a real bipartisan dialogue and do something. That’s the end result,” added Durbin.

His comments came after the Senate majority leader Charles SchumerFall of the Chuck SchumerCapitol uprising: The PATRIOT Act 2.0? Schumer asks DOJ to investigate Trump’s alleged effort to stave off forgiveness for the AG student loan would be an unexpected fortune for dentists, doctors and lawyers MORE(DN.Y.) rejection of power-sharing plan submitted by minority leader in Senate Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellBiden relies on Obama-era nominees in the climate Kentucky’s Republican Committee rejects resolution urging McConnell to condemn Trump’s impeachment 9/11 panel requests escalate to investigate Capitol attack MORE (R-Ky.) This week on McConnell’s insistence that Democrats agree not to rule out the obstruction, which Schumer called “unacceptable”.

To change the rule, Democrats would require the support of all members of their caucus, including several members who have already indicated their opposition to doing so, such as centrist West Virginia Sen. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinOVERNIGHT ENERGY: Biden EPA asks Justice Department to stop defending Trump era rules | Company calls for rejection of pebble mine | Choice of Granholm energy will be heard on Wednesday Appointment hearing for the selection of Biden Energy Granholm scheduled for Wednesday. (D).

Calls for an end to the obstruction rule between the progressive left and even members of the House leadership have increased in recent weeks, as Democrats urged Biden to move quickly through legislation to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
