Drug sniffer dog finds frozen cereal with $ 2.8 million in cocaine in Ohio Drugs

US customs agents made a surprise discovery when a sniffer dog investigated what appeared to be a perfectly innocent shipment of frozen cereal, only to discover that the sugar coating was actually a large amount of cocaine.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported that Bico, a US Customs and Border Protection narcotics detecting dog, discovered drug transport in a South American breakfast cereal shipment headed for Hong Kong.

“The police found a white powder and the flakes were coated with a grayish substance after the dog warned about the shipment,” reported the newspaper.

The value of the drug was estimated at US $ 2.8 million.

Richard Gillespie, director of the Port of Cincinnati, said in a statement to the press: “The men and women of the Port of Cincinnati are committed to stopping the flow of dangerous drugs and continue to use their training, intuition and strategic skills to prevent these types of illegitimate shipments to reach the public. “

Frozen cereal flakes – while ingenious – are far from the most unusual way that drug dealers hide their illicit products. Others include under a wig, on a pair of false buttocks, inside hollow pineapples and even under the habits of drug mules who pretend to be nuns.
