Dr. James A. Franklin Senior’s new book, “Golden Nuggets”, is a collection of stories from African American communities in the ancient South and stories of successful young people

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Dr. James A. Franklin Sr., a longtime educator, completed his new book “Golden Nuggets”: an inspiring retelling that discusses African Americans as patriots and the customs and customs of the old South that have affected African Americans.

Franklin writes: “This document will examine a number of characteristics about my hometown, McCormick, South Carolina. Of particular importance, it will address one of the most successful organizations that helped young black people back in the day and how we can use some of the ideals of that organization today. It will also cover some of the characteristics of a typical southern black community and some highlights and challenges that the black community faced. In addition, the project will address some black heroes from the old South, black patriotism for the United States and the positive way of how black and white children came together in the Old South. ”

Published by Page Publishing, the thrilling work of Dr. James A. Franklin Senior also investigates a Warren Court review on integration and “that’s how it is ordered”. Supreme Court judge Thurgood Marshall and his role in changing the old south.

This work talks about life as it was in the old south, including the playful habits of young blacks and whites and the lessons learned in the old south for the education of children, which can be of value today. It also addresses how today’s society does not know “real poverty” and makes reference to poems of hope. This is a contemporary work that speaks of the old and suggests how some old experiences can help in today’s society. The paper discusses the role of South Carolina State College in African American youth. It also mentions astronaut Dr. Ronald E. McNair, who got lost in the Challenger accident, and his association with the author. “

Readers who want to try this inspiring book can buy “Golden Nuggets” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Publication Page at 866-315-2708.

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