Dolly Parton just revealed why she didn’t get the COVID vaccine


As more and more people sit down for their COVID photos, it has been exciting to see some of our favorite stars get vaccinated. While many celebrities received the vaccine with open arms, others hesitated to be vaccinated. Singer, actor and humanitarian Dolly Parton it is a particularly striking example of the latter: the country star has not yet received the COVID vaccine, although it is eligible and has donated a substantial amount of money for its development. To see why Parton hasn’t been shot yet, read on, and for celebrities who were vaccinated, Tyler Perry said he had these side effects from the COVID vaccine.

Dolly Parton

On February 2, Parton told the Associated Press (AP) that she has not yet had the COVID vaccine, but plans to do so. “I’m not going to get mine until more people get theirs. I don’t want it to look like I’m skipping the line just because I donated money. I’m really funny about it,” explained Parton. “I want to. I’ll make it.”

The singer noted that at age 75 she is currently eligible to receive the vaccine in a high priority group along with anyone over 65. “I turned 75. I was going to do this on my birthday and I thought, ‘Nah, don’t do this.’ You’re going to look like you’re just doing a show, “said Parton.” None of my work is really like that. I wasn’t doing this for a show. “And for information on where you can get the injection, if you live in those states, you can get a COVID vaccine at CVS next week.

Dolly Parton

Although Parton does not want to put on a show with her vaccination, she wants the public to know when she will get it, so that she can help educate people about the vaccination process and increase their confidence in the vaccine. “When I get it, I’ll probably do it on camera to let people know, and I’ll tell the truth if I have symptoms and everything. I hope it encourages people, ”said Parton. And for more vaccine news, if you’re over 65, you shouldn’t get this new vaccine, experts warn.

Young team doing coronavirus research
janiecbros / iStock

Before any of the COVID vaccines materialized, Parton donated $ 1 million to COVID research in April 2020. She told the AP that she invested in the research because she knew it was the right thing to do. “I follow my heart,” said Parton. “When the pandemic first appeared, it was my first thought: ‘I need to do something to try to help find a vaccine.'” She ended up contacting an institution with which she had a long-standing connection – Vanderbilt University.

“I just did a survey with the Vanderbilt people – they are wonderful people, they have been so good over the years with my people in times of illness and everything. I asked if I could donate a million dollars worth of research for a vaccine” recalled Parton. “I get a lot more credit than I deserve, I think, but I was happy to be a part of it all.” And for more celebrity content delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.


Parton’s donation helped fund research for the development of the Modern vaccine. She learned that her money went to Moderna at the same time as the rest of the world, when her name was listed as a sponsor in a preliminary report on the vaccine.

On November 17, Parton told BBC One’s The One Show that she was so excited to know where her funds had gone. “I am sure that many millions of dollars from many people have been invested in this, but I felt very proud to have been part of that small start-up capital that, hopefully, will turn into something big and help to heal this world,” she said. And for reactions to the vaccine to prepare, Dr. Fauci says that these 2 side effects mean that his COVID vaccine is working.
