DOJ releases photos of Iced Earth guitarist Jon Schaffer ‘pointing bear spray can’ during riot

The Justice Department released photos of arrested heavy metal guitarist Jon Schaffer holding a can of bear spray during the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Schaffer – the founder of Iced Earth – was taken into custody in the Southern District of Indiana, according to the DOJ’s list of people accused of federal crimes in connection with the riot.

Schaffer, 52, of Columbus, Indiana, surrendered on Sunday in Indianapolis after discovering he was wanted by federal authorities, the FBI tweeted on Sunday.

The DOJ released a photo of a man believed to be the founder of the band Iced Earth, John Schaffer, holding a can of bear spray that the FBI said he used against the Capitol Police during the riot

Schaffer (in 2010) was taken into custody on Sunday after surrendering


Schaffer (left in 2010 and recently right) was taken into custody on Sunday after surrendering to authorities in Indiana

He faces six charges stemming from his alleged actions on the Capitol, including violent entry and disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building, involvement in an act of physical violence in a Capitol Building and interrupting orderly conduct in government business.

According to the FBI’s Statement of Facts against Schaffer, he was quoted by “several individuals” after the FBI asked for help in identifying him.

The FBI said Schaffer was’ among the protesters who sprayed US Capitol cops with “bear spray”, a form of capsaicin pepper spray sold by many street retailers, as part of their efforts to push police officers from back to the Capitol and violate the Capitol itself. ‘

He was seen in photos and surveillance arguing with the Capitol Police inside the Capitol building, the FBI said.

Included in the Fact Statement were several images that the FBI said showed Schaffer in action on Capitol Hill.

The FBI released this image of a man believed to be Schaffer holding bear spray (in a circle)

Authorities said Schaffer (in a circle) wore a blue hooded sweatshirt under a tactical vest

Authorities said Schaffer (in a circle) wore a blue hooded sweatshirt under a tactical vest

Schaffer is one of dozens of people facing federal charges after being seen on Capitol Hill during the January 6 riots.  Pro-Trump supporters are photographed attacking the Capitol that day

Schaffer is one of dozens of people facing federal charges after being seen on Capitol Hill during the January 6 riots. Pro-Trump supporters are photographed attacking the Capitol that day

Among them was the image of a man – allegedly Schaffer – wearing a blue hoodie under a tactical vest with a baseball cap that reads ‘Oath Keepers Lifetime Member’. In the image, the man appears to be shouting and pointing what the FBI said is a can of bear spray to someone out of the camera’s field of view.

The FBI said the ‘Oath Keepers’ are an organization that claims to be a militia of ex-police and military that ‘urged President Trump to declare Martial Law to prevent Congress from certifying the Electoral College Results’.

The FBI said Schaffer (pictured) once called himself a

The FBI said Schaffer (pictured) once called himself an “anarchist” and said the 2016 presidential election was rigged

The FBI did not say whether Schaffer had police or military training, but confirmed that he was ‘a person of some celebrity in the heavy metal music industry’.

The FBI said Schaffer called himself an ‘anarchist’ in an interview and said the 2016 presidential election was rigged during a 2017 interview.

Schaffer reportedly attended the ‘March of the Million MAGA’ in Washington on November 14, 2020 and wore the same blue hooded sweatshirt that was supposedly depicted on Capitol Hill on January 6.

During the Million MAGA March, the FBI said Schaffer told the media that ‘if anyone wants to bring violence, I think many of us here are ready for it. We don’t want this, but if they do, we will respond to that, trust me.

He added that ‘We are not going to merge into some globalist and communist system, this is not going to happen. There will be a lot of bloodshed if it comes to that, believe me.

The November 2020 interview was conducted by Die Welt.

Iced Earth members spoke about Schaffer’s alleged involvement in the Capitol riot in Instagram posts.

‘Some of you have been concerned about our silence, which we understand. We need some time to properly process the information and find out some facts before we make a statement, ‘wrote bassist Luke Appleton and singer Stu Block, according to Billboard.

‘We absolutely DO NOT tolerate or support riots or acts of violence in which the protesters were involved on January 6 in the United States Capitol building. We hope that everyone involved on that day will be brought to justice for investigation and accountability for their actions. ‘

The note was signed by Block, Appleton, lead guitarist Jake Dreyer and drummer Brent Smedley.

Five people were killed during the Capitol Building rebellion on January 6, when Trump supporters stormed the building while a joint session of Congress was underway.

The crowd stormed the building while lawmakers certified the results of the Electoral College, confirming that Joe Biden had won the 2020 presidential election in November, causing members of Congress and Vice President Pence to evacuate the building.

Dozens of people have been arrested and face federal charges in connection with the riot.
