Democratic lawmakers call on Biden to commute death row prisoner sentences

In a letter sent on Friday, lawmakers urge Biden “to take swift and decisive action”, saying that “commuting the death sentences of those sentenced to death and ensuring that each person receives an appropriate and exclusive re-sentence process a crucial first step to remedy this serious injustice. ”

“We look forward to working with your administration to enact fair and restorative policies that will significantly transform our criminal justice system for the better. By exercising your clemency power, you can guarantee that no one will remain on death row to kill. By the historical nature of your administration, this would be an unprecedented – but necessary – action to reverse systemic injustices and restore America’s moral standing, “according to the letter.

There are currently 49 people on federal death row, of whom 21 are white, 20 are black, seven are Latino and one is Asian.

A commutation is different from a pardon because prisoners would have their sentences reduced, but they would not be cleared of charges or would have to be released from prison. If Biden chose to follow the advice of lawmakers, he could replace death sentences with life sentences.

The three-page letter included Reps co-signers. Democrats Karen Bass of California, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Ritchie Torres of New York.

It is the second letter that Pressley sends to Biden on the subject, pressing him to act quickly to end the federal death penalty. His first letter, on December 15, came five days after Brandon Bernard’s execution, telling Biden that “with a stroke of the pen, you can stop all federal executions”.
Pressley proposed legislation to eliminate capital punishment in July 2019, when then attorney general William Barr announced the resumption of federal executions. Since this project was introduced, 13 men and a woman have been executed by the federal government, all in the last months of the Trump administration, while the coronavirus pandemic has spread.

“Congress is right: President Biden must go beyond simply not executing and must immediately commute all federal death sentences. When the Supreme Court, without explanation, vacates the lower court to allow the execution of a woman whose illness mental left her without understanding why she is being executed, we know that the federal death penalty system is broken beyond repair, “said Kelley Henry, attorney for Lisa Montgomery, who became the first federally executed woman in almost 70 years in January 12th.

Biden previously said that ending the federal death penalty is on his list of plans for criminal justice, but he has not yet addressed the issue since taking office.

When asked on Wednesday whether there would be a moratorium on the federal death penalty, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said: “The president, as you know, has declared his opposition to the death penalty in the past. He remains – that remains his opinion. I have nothing left for you in terms of future actions or mechanisms, however.
