Demi Lovato shares ‘how recovery from eating disorder is’

Demi Lovato posted on Instagram to share her progress in recovering from an eating disorder.

Lovato, 28, started the post with a note about how she believed recovery was impossible.

“I used to genuinely believe that recovery from an eating disorder was not real,” wrote the singer. “That everyone was pretending or secretly falling behind closed doors. ‘Certainly she pukes here and there’, she POSSIBLY cannot accept her cellulite ‘… these are just some of the things I used to say to myself growing up . “

“I’m very grateful to be able to say honestly for the first time in my life – my nutritionist looked at me and said, ‘This is what recovery from eating disorder looks like,'” Lovato continued.

Lovato said that “in honor of (her) gratitude for the place (where she is) today”, she wanted to share a photo shoot that she did herself while isolating herself this summer.

“I wanted to celebrate my stretch marks instead of being ashamed of them,” wrote Lovato. “I start using real glitter paint on my stretch marks to celebrate my body and all its features (if society considers them good OR bad). My stretch marks aren’t going away, so is it better to throw a lil ‘glitter?”

Lovato, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, added that she hopes the post will help others who are experiencing difficulties.

“Also let this be a reminder for anyone who doesn’t think it’s possible: IT REALLY IS,” she wrote, along with a series of emojis. “YOU CAN DO THIS. I BELIEVE IN YOU. This year has been difficult … be kind to yourself if you slip and remember to get back on track because you are WORTH THE MIRACLE OF RECOVERY. I LOVE YOU.”

In addition to speaking openly about his mental health, Lovato also spoke openly about his recovery from drug use. The singer, who was hospitalized after a drug overdose in 2018, spoke with Kelly Clarkson about her difficulties in an appearance in June 2020 on “The Kelly Clarkson Show”. His recently released single, “It’s OK Not To Be OK” with Marshmello, aims to help those struggling with mental health problems.

“I’ve dealt with suicidal thoughts and depression,” she wrote in an open and emotional topic on Twitter on World Mental Health Day in September. “I have been talking a lot about raising mental health awareness because you can see the light when you start working on yourself.”
