Decoding extremist symbols and groups in the Capitol uprising

The photos tell part of the story of the beliefs of some of those who chose to appear that day – from passionate and peaceful supporters of Trump to extremists who showed their hatred with their symbols as well as their actions.

The mixing of groups is an issue that has long been a concern for experts who track extremism and hatred.

Certification of election results proved to be exactly the type of event that brought together several groups and could have led to radical ideas being shared, they say. The initial event, which was heavily promoted and encouraged by President Trump, gave all of these groups something to come together.

“This was an event designed to oppose the results of a free and fair democratic election and the transition of power that would naturally follow,” said Mark Pitcavage, historian and extremism expert at the Anti-Defamation League.

CNN spoke to him to identify the symbols and understand the scary messages of tyranny, white supremacy, anarchy, racism, anti-Semitism and hatred they portray.

Lasso and gallows

Although the lasso alone is often used as a form of racial intimidation, Pitcavage says he believes that, in this context, the gallows should suggest punishment for committing betrayal. “This suggests that deputies and senators who vote to certify the outcome of the elections, and possibly Vice President Pence, are committing treason and should be tried and hanged,” he explains.

This rhetoric of betrayal was seen in right-wing forums days before the event.

Three percent flag

The Three Percenters (also known as III% ers, 3% ers or Threepers) are part of the militia movement in the United States and are anti-government extremists, according to ADL.

Like others in the militia movement, the three percent consider themselves defenders of the American people against government tyranny.

“As many supporters of the militia movement have strongly supported President Trump in recent years, three percent have not been as active in opposing the federal government, directing their ire to other perceived enemies, including leftists / antifa, Muslims and immigrants,” according to the ADL.

The group’s name comes from an inaccurate claim that only 3% of people in the colonies armed themselves and fought against the British during the Revolutionary War.

The flag seen above is your logo on the traditional Betsy Ross flag. Pitcavage says that right-wing groups (mainstream or extremist), who consider themselves patriotic, sometimes co-opt America’s first flag.

“Drop the Kraken” banner

The flag makes reference to comments by former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell that she would “free the Kraken”. Powell falsely said that he had evidence that would destroy the idea that Joe Biden won the presidency.

The “Kraken”, a gigantic sea creature from Scandinavian folklore, has become a meme in circles that believe the election has been stolen. The Kraken, they say, is a cache of evidence that there has been widespread fraud. On social media, QAnon’s conspiracy and outlaw sites #ReleaseTheKraken were widely shared with false theories of fraud.

The proud boys and the OK sign

The far right chose the OK sign as a trolling gesture and, for some, as a symbol of white power. ADL added this symbol to its old database of slogans and symbols used by extremists.

“They are wearing orange caps to identify themselves; at previous rallies, they wore identification T-shirts and other equipment, but abandoned them for this event after their leader was recently arrested,” explained Pitcavage.

The Proud Boys supported President Trump and attended the “Stop The Steal” rallies in Washington, DC. Proud Boys leader Henry Tarrio, who serves for Enrique Tarrio, was released from police custody on Tuesday on charges related to the alleged burning of a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a Black church last month during protests in the city after a “Stop Theft” rally last month. He was ordered by a local judge to stay out of DC pending trial, including during this week’s protests.

“Kekistan” flags

The green, white and black flag was created by some members of the 4chan online community to represent a country of jokes invented under the name “Kek”, a fictional god they also created. It has long been present at right and extreme right rallies.

“The Kekistan flag is controversial because its design was partially derived from a Nazi-era flag; apparently, it was done on purpose, as a joke,” explained Pitcavage. “Young right-wingers from the 4chan subculture (both the dominant right and the far right) often display the Kekistan flag at rallies and events.”

Historical flags changed

Altered Confederate and Gadsden flags were seen in the entire Capitol crowd. A variation of the Confederate battle flag included an image of an assault rifle and the slogan “Come and take it” to convey an anti-gun control message. The phrase “come and take” paraphrases the “come and take them” replica given by Spartan king Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae, when Persian king Xerxes told him and his people to lower their spears in exchange for their lives, Pitcavage said .

The Gadsden flag, known to many as the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, is a traditional and historic patriotic flag that dates back to the American Revolution. The flag and the symbol are also popular with libertarians. But it was also co-opted by right-wing groups. Pitcavage explains that while some use it as a symbol of patriotism, others use it as a “symbol of resistance to perceived tyranny”.

Oath Keepers

A man is seen wearing an Oath Keepers cap inside the Capitol after he was raped. The Oath Keepers is a pro-Trump, extreme right and anti-government group that considers itself part of the militia movement charged with protecting the country and defending the constitution. The group tries to recruit members from active or retired military, first responders or police.

Their leader posted vast conspiracy theories on his blog, accused Democrats of stealing the election, previously threatened violence if necessary on election day during an interview with far-right conspirator Alex Jones and said his group would be armed to protect the White House if necessary, as per ADL.

The Confederate Flag

During the long civil war in the United States, no Confederate battle flag stood in the shadow of the United States Capitol, but on Wednesday, an insurrectionist carried one through its corridors.

Photographers captured a man carrying him for portraits of abolitionist Charles Sumner and slave owner John Calhoun.

The flag has always been a symbol of support for slavery. After World War II, it became a prominent symbol of Jim Crow and segregation, Pitcavage says, not surprisingly, it is a popular symbol among white supremacists – even outside the United States.

America First Flag

A rioter covers himself with an America First flag with the logo of the far-right commentator Nick Fuentes. Fuentes attended the event at the Capitol, but was photographed standing outside the Capitol building.

“America First” was also a slogan used by President Trump when describing his foreign policy. Its adoption was criticized by ADL, which said it had anti-Semitic use to keep the United States out of World War II.
ADL says Fuentes is part of the “groyper army”, which ADL calls the white supremacy group.

“While the views of the group and the leadership align with those defended by right-wing white supremacy, groypers try to normalize their ideology by aligning with ‘Christianity’ and the ‘traditional’ values ​​ostensibly defended by the church, including marriage and family” , said the ADL explains. “Like the alternative right and other white supremacists, groypers believe they are working to defend themselves against demographic and cultural changes that are destroying ‘real America’ – a white Christian nation.”

“Camp Auschwitz”

A riot within the Capitol wore a “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt. The bottom of the shirt says “Work brings freedom”, which is the approximate translation of the words “Arbeit macht frei” on the gates of the Nazi concentration camp. Auschwitz was the largest and most infamous Nazi concentration camp, where about 1.1 million people were killed during World War II.

Pitcavage says he believes the shirt came from the now defunct website Aryanwear. The design, which has been around for 10 years according to Pitcavage, has appeared on several websites in recent weeks, although it is often withdrawn when a complaint is made.

Nationalist Social Club Stickers

A social media image shows Nationalist Social Club stickers on what appears to be US Capitol Police equipment. It is not clear when the photo was taken, but it was posted on Wednesday in a Telegram chat the group uses, which includes a Nazi symbol in its name.

The NSC, apparently a word game with the National Socialists or Nazi party, is a neo-Nazi group that has regional chapters in the United States and around the world, according to the ADL. It is unclear whether the sticker on the right refers to a New England chapter or why the group originally called itself the New England Nationalists Club.

“NSC members see themselves as soldiers at war with a hostile system controlled by Jews who are deliberately planning the extinction of the white race,” according to ADL. “Their goal is to form a clandestine network of white men who are willing to fight their perceived enemies through localized direct actions.”

January 6, 2021 Civil War MAGA T-Shirts

There are still many questions about exactly how the attack on Capitol happened and who led the attack. But calls for the overthrow of the government and for a civil or racial war have long been generating screams in far-right circles.

The shirts worn by these men in the Capitol area on Wednesday show that there was at least an intention to celebrate the day. They wore pre-printed t-shirts, referring to Trump’s slogan Make America Great Again, alongside the words Civil War and the date of the event that turned into insurrection.

Many commentators on far-right forums have written since the attack that this is just the beginning of the civil war that many of them have long wanted.
