Dangerous side effects of eating fried foods, according to science

Fried food is delicious – there is no if, nor about but about it. However, it can wreak havoc on your overall health if ingested in excess.

Although we do not pretend to pretend that fried foods are not irresistible – there is a war of heated fried chicken sandwiches between various fast food restaurants for a reason, right? – let’s not avoid the fact that several studies and health experts have advised against eating this type of food for years. (Related: The 7 healthiest foods to eat now.)

While eating fried mozzarella sticks and funnel cakes from time to time does not necessarily have an impact on your health, regular consumption of fried foods can lead to adverse complications. In light of recent research on fried foods and heart health risks, we decided to detail five side effects that you may experience when eating this type of food very often.

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According to new research published in the journal Heart, the intake of fried foods is strongly associated with an increased risk of major cardiovascular events, including heart attack and stroke. The researchers gathered data from 17 different studies, involving more than 560,000 participants and more than 36,700 major cardiovascular events to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.

What did they find? Compared to those who ate the least amount of fried food each week, the group those who ate the most had a 28% higher risk of stroke and heart attack.

Sick man looks at the pill bottle while coughing.

The same grouped analysis also revealed that participants who ate the most fried foods were associated with a 22% increased risk of coronary heart disease.

Ashely Kitchens, MPH, RD, LDN explained earlier for Eat this, not that! how fried foods can harm your heart health.

“When foods are fried, they become more caloric dense because the outside of the food loses water and absorbs fat [or] oil, “she said.” The oils in which foods are fried can contain trans fat, which has been shown to increase your LDL. “

LDL, which means low-density lipoprotein, is known as the harmful type of cholesterol. High cholesterol can accumulate on the walls of arteries and cause a form of heart disease known as atherosclerosis.

mature man having heart attack at home

The third great lesson from the research published in the newspaper Heart was that participants who consumed more fried foods had a 37% increased risk of heart failure compared to the group that ate least. Heart failure is described as a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump as much blood as it should, according to the American Heart Association.

The analysis also indicated that with each additional 114 grams – or 1/2 cup (4 ounces) – of fried foods consumed per week, this risk increases by 12% more.

Woman worried about weight gain.

Although this side effect cannot necessarily be classified as dangerous in itself, weight gain directly affects body fat, and studies show that chronic illnesses can be attributed to increased BMI. Even if a small weight gain is not a major concern, continuous weight gain due to changes in lifestyle can become a concern over time.

doctor with glucometer and insulin pen device talking to male patient in hospital doctor's office

A 2014 study published in O American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that frequent consumption of fried foods was significantly associated with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health found similar results after examining data from more than 100,000 men and women over 25 years.

They found that participants who ate fried foods between four and six times a week had a 39% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to those who ate less than once a week. Even more revealing? Participants who ate things seven or more times a week had a 55% higher risk of developing the disease.

In an effort to reduce your consumption of fried foods, see 27 air fryer recipes that make fried foods healthier.
