Congresswoman Marjorie Greene files impeachment articles against Biden

MP Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) Said on Thursday that she filed for impeachment against President Biden, just a day after he was installed.

The text of Greene’s impeachment articles specifying any impeachable crimes committed by Biden was not immediately available. But Greene indicated that the articles accused Biden of abusing his power while serving as vice president, allowing his son, Hunter, to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

“President Joe BidenJoe BidenKaty Perry and his ‘Firework’ round off the opening of the TV special The Arizona Republican brothers say he is ‘at least partly to blame’ for the Capitol violence. Tom Hanks: After years of ‘worrying grudge,’ Opening Day ‘is about witnessing the permanence of the American Ideal’ MORE is unable to exercise the presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as Vice President of President Obama is long and unsettling. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to save his son, Hunter, and fill his family’s pockets with money from corrupt foreign energy companies, “Greene said in a statement.

Greene had already signaled last week that he would be presenting articles of impeachment against Biden the day after his inauguration.

Greene made the announcement hours after the House voted last week to impeach the former President TrumpDonald TrumpClinton, Bush and Obama reflect on the peaceful transition of power on the day of Biden’s inauguration The Republican brothers in Arizona say he is “at least partially guilty” for the violence on Capitol Hill. Biden reverses Trump freeze at 0.4 billion in funds MORE for inciting a violent mob of supporters who invaded the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from ratifying Biden’s electoral victory.

Biden denied making any political decisions regarding Ukraine, taking into account his son’s commercial interests.

An investigation by Senate Republicans last year into allegations of corruption against the Bidens found no evidence of irregularities on the part of the current president.

The report, released last September, also found no evidence that Hunter Biden’s work for Ukrainian company Burisma influenced US foreign policy.

House Democrats have not yet formally sent the impeachment article against Trump about his role in the January 6 attack on Capitol Hill to the Senate for trial.

Democratic Senate Leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerSchumer becomes new Senate majority leader in the US Chamber of Commerce for Biden, Congress: business community ‘ready to help’ Why pretend that senators can ‘do fair justice’? MORE (NY) and leader of the Republican Party in the Senate Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellBudowsky: Democracy won, Trump lost, President Biden inaugurated Biden’s inauguration marked by a conflict of hope and fear McConnell faces conservative reaction to Trump’s criticisms MORE (Ky.) They are still working on a power-sharing deal in a chamber that is now divided equally by party. Vice President Harris will serve as a tiebreaker, handing control of the chamber over to Democrats after her inauguration on Wednesday, along with three new Democratic senators.

Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiGOP operative installed as NSA’s main lawyer placed on administrative license: Budowsky reports: Democracy won, Trump lost, President Biden inaugurated Biden hired career civil servants for interim positions in the state, USAID, UN MORE (D-Calif.) He indicated on Thursday that the House is waiting for Schumer and McConnell to discuss a deal before submitting the impeachment article.

But she did not offer details about a specific timetable.

“I won’t say when it will go, but we had to wait for the Senate to enter the session. They have now informed us that they are ready to receive. The question is, other questions about how the trial will proceed, but we are ready, “Pelosi told reporters on Thursday.

Pelosi also predicted that the next Senate impeachment trial would be shorter than last year because of impeachment articles accusing Trump of abuse of power and obstructing Congress for his efforts to pressure the Ukrainian government to open an investigation into the Bidens.

“I see a big difference between something that we all witness and what information you may need to substantiate an impeachment article based on – much of it in a call that the president made and described as ‘perfect’,” said Pelosi.

“It was perfectly unconstitutional,” she continued. “This is different, but again, it is up to them to decide how we are going to move forward, when we are going to move forward. It will be soon. I don’t think it will take long, but – but we have to do this.”
