Confirmation hearing for Biden’s DNI choice postponed

Confirmation of the President-elect’s hearing Joe BidenJoe BidenCotton: The Senate lacks the authority to hold the impeachment trial when Trump leaves office Marjorie Taylor Greene says he will present impeachment articles against Biden ICE that the incumbent director resigns weeks after taking office MOREThe nominee for Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Avril Haines, has been postponed until next week, leaders of the Senate Selected Intelligence Committee said on Thursday.

Confirmation for Haines was initially scheduled for Friday and was planned to take place virtually.

Sen. Marco RubioMarco Antonio RubioSenate panel to hold appointment hearing for Biden Intelligence director appointed this week Rubio invokes unity in Biden’s request to request individual K checks (R-Fla.), President-in-Office of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee and Vice-President Sen. Mark WarnerMark Robert WarnerSenate panel to hold appointment hearing for Biden Intelligence director this week Night defense: Trump impeachment for the second time | National Guard on Capitol Hill now armed, increasing to 20,000 soldiers for inauguration | Alabama is chosen for the home of the Space Command Hillicon Valley: Marginal social networks increased after attack on the Capitol | Planned protests generate fear of violence in Trump’s last days | Electoral security efforts are likely to gain ground in the Democratic-controlled Congress MORE (D-Va.) Published a joint statement referring to the postponement on Thursday night.

“Despite the unusual circumstances on Capitol Hill, the committee is working in good faith to move this nominee as quickly as possible and to ensure that committee members have the opportunity to question the nominee in open and closed environments,” said lawmakers.

“The Director of National Intelligence plays a crucial role in overseeing the 18 agencies that make up our country’s Intelligence Community, and the committee hopes to hold a hearing next week with Ms. Haines,” they added.

A spokesman for Rubio was not immediately available for further comments on the postponement.

However, a source with knowledge of the matter told CNN that the confirmation schedule should not be changed significantly. The source told the agency that the hearing was delayed because a senator wanted the hearing in person, and Friday’s session would have been remote.

Haines has served as deputy director of the CIA and also as a national security adviser in the Obama administration. If confirmed, Haines will be the first woman to hold the position.

Biden has been pushing for his nominees to be confirmed quickly after the violent turmoil that occurred on Capitol Hill last week.

“Considering what our country has been through in the past four years – the last few days – given the threats and risks in this world, they should be confirmed as close as possible to January 20,” said Biden last week. There will be no vacancies in the State, Defense, Finance and Homeland Security. We don’t have time to waste with the whole team. “
