Chrissy Teigen marks the birth date of Jack’s late son after painful pregnancy loss

Chrissy Teigen revealed that the date of birth of her late son, Jack, falls this week. The cookbook author was only 20 weeks old when she lost her pregnancy on September 30, after being diagnosed with placental abruption, which bed rest, hospitalization and blood transfusions did not cure.

Teigen, who has two other children with her husband John Legend, admitted to her Twitter followers that the impending due date left her with a feeling of “disconnection”. She added that she will undergo a surgical procedure on Thursday to treat her endometriosis, and is experiencing menstrual pains that look like “baby kicks”.

“My little Jack would have been born this week, so I’m a little disconnected,” tweeted the 35-year-old star on Wednesday. “I really feel kicks in the belly, but it’s not a ghost. I have surgery for endometriosis tomorrow … but the menstrual sensation this month is just like baby kicks. I sigh.”

She went on to share a video of his trembling stomach, writing: “I’m going to pretend it’s him [Jack] saying hi. “

The poignant post reached many of Teigen’s followers, several of whom shared their own experiences with confronting an early due date after a painful pregnancy loss.

“Thank you for being so transparent about your pain,” said a grieving mother’s comment. It’s a good community to be a part of, but it’s a community. “

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's third child, Jack, was due to be born this week.  (Photo: Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic)

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s third child, Jack, was due to be born this week. (Photo: Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic)

“Hugs and love for you from an Internet stranger who is also a lost mother,” wrote another woman. “Take care of yourself this week and always. It’s so difficult.”

But another tweet posted by the star, who paused briefly on social media after her loss, generated more controversy than consolation. After sharing an old story about her and Legend being charged for a $ 13,000 bottle of wine, Teigen was criticized by some critics who accused her of being out of touch.

“Me, telling the story of being cheated by a waiter,” Teigen tweeted in response to being trolled. “Tell the story of the difficult week, the baby would have been born. Feeling anxious, sad. You: let’s f *** ing this rich bitch for retweets.”

On a tweet to a criticism, she sarcastically called the reaction “a good distraction from my other tweets about my baby’s death!”

Teigen – who recently announced she was sober – has been transparent about her grieving process in the months since Jack’s death, including sharing photos of her delivery, writing an essay expressing her feelings about the experience and showing the “shock” she continues Tue.

“I am proud of where this whole journey has taken my body and mind in other ways,” she told fans in December. “I love being pregnant so much, and I am sad that I will never be again. But I am lucky to have two incredible little ones who are turning into bigger people more and more each day.”

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