CBS executives put on leave after reports of “racist” and “sexist” comments

Two executives from local CBS television were placed on administrative leave on Monday, hours after the National Association of Black Journalists demanded that they be fired because of an investigation by the Los Angeles Times over allegations that they “cultivated an environment of hostile work “.

The Los Angeles Times story, published on Sunday, includes images of a complaint from the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, filed by a former employee who accuses an executive, CBS television station president Peter Dunn, of ” racist, sexist, homophopic and discriminatory comments “.

CBS said in a statement late on Monday that Dunn and David Friend, senior vice president of news for TV stations, “have been placed on administrative leave pending the results of a third party investigation into issues that include those raised in (the) recent Los Angeles Times report. “

“CBS is committed to a diverse, inclusive and respectful work environment, where all voices are heard, complaints are investigated and appropriate actions are taken when necessary,” said the company.

Among the allegations reported in the history of Los Angeles, two former employees in management positions at the CBS Philadelphia station said that Dunn used the word “jive” on several occasions to describe the anchor and well-known Philadelphia journalist Ukee Washington.

In another allegation, one of the employees said that when Dunn refused to extend a black anchor’s contract, he “raised ‘bizarre objections’, such as saying, ‘I hate her face.'”

That same employee claimed that Dunn also questioned whether a job seeker for another anchor job was “too gay for Philadelphia”.

Friend is accused by the two former employees of inappropriate behavior in the workplace, including criticizing the accent of a new anchor and shouting that she should close the [expletive] above.”

In a statement posted on the website of the National Association of Black Journalists on Monday, the organization, which represents more than 4,000 journalists across the country, said it “heard of several CBS employees across the country and was informed of several processes and investigations “.

“It is clear that there is a big problem between the stations owned and operated by CBS and, in order for the company’s culture to change, one must start with the resignation of Dunn and Friend,” said the organization.

ViacomCBS told the Los Angeles Times in a statement that “in response to a CBS investigation in early 2019, senior management at the time discussed the situation with Mr. Dunn, and the company received no complaints about its conduct during the period since then . “

Friend told the newspaper that any comments he made about employees or candidates “were based only on performance or qualifications – not on anyone’s race or gender”.

“I believe that I – and our stations – have a strong record of hiring, supporting and placing women and BIPOC journalists in important roles as anchors, reporters and news directors,” Friend said in a statement, according to The Los Angeles Times.

ViacomCBS senior managers met Sunday night with members of the National Association of Black Journalists to hear their concerns. Executives included George Cheeks, CEO of CBS Entertainment Group, and Marva Smalls, the company’s global head of inclusion. According to the NABJ statement, they agreed on the need for an outside investigation and “pledged to work with the NABJ on a path forward”.

Brien Kennedy, the former general manager of the CBS Philadelphia station who filed the Pennsylvania Human Relations complaint, also claimed that he was fired in retaliation for cooperating with an internal review of Dunn’s conduct. CBS contested the retaliation allegation and said Kennedy “was fired for performance”.

In August 2018, the board of CBS Corporation hired two law firms to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against former CEO Les Moonves, as well as more general allegations about corporate culture.

In a statement of December 17, 2018, the CBS board said Moonves was fired for “just cause” and said “investigators learned of previous incidents of misconduct and unprofessional conduct, and concluded that policies, practices and structures company’s history did not reflect a high institutional priority in preventing harassment and retaliation. “

However, the statement also said that law firms “have concluded that harassment and retaliation are not widespread at CBS”.

The board of directors never publicly released the findings of the investigation.

Margaret Cronan, one of the employees who spoke to the Los Angeles Times about Dunn and Friend, wrote on her LinkedIn page on Sunday “that being quiet was not an option”.

“I have always believed that when we see racism, discrimination and other offensive behavior in the workplace, we MUST speak up. I just wish I had done this before, ”wrote Cronan.

The Los Angeles Times reported in a separate story on Sunday that the two law firms were also informed of an unusual benefit that CBS received after acquiring WLNY, a small television station on Long Island, New York: an association at a club. exclusive course only for guests with a $ 1 million initiation fee. The membership was placed on Dunn’s behalf, according to the Times. The club belongs to the founder of WLNY, who sold the channel for $ 55 million.

In a statement, CBS said: “As part of the acquisition ten years ago, CBS was offered as a member of the Sebonack Golf Club of Long Island. The membership was announced in advance to senior management and legal counsel. Although listed on behalf of an executive due to club rules, this is a corporate association used to host clients and business partners.The annual dues are paid by CBS and any personal expenses incurred by the executives are paid out of their own pocket.
