Capitol Rioter John Sullivan accused of already violating release conditions when entering social networks

John Sullivan, a leftist activist who calls himself imprisoned for participating in the Capitol rebellion, has been accused of already violating the terms of his release. Sullivan was released pending trial, as long as he stayed away from social media, did a mental health assessment and kept a full-time job. However, U.S. pre-trial services officer Josh Cahoon has claimed in court cases that Sullivan violated the order to stay out of social media on four different occasions. A judge issued a subpoena to Sullivan.

Sullivan claimed to be an organizer for the Black Lives Matter who was simply on the Capitol to film the events, but his own footage showed him breaking a window and shouting, “We have to burn this shit … it’s the sons of bitches in our house!” BLM organizers in his home state of Utah rejected him, describing him as “a thorn in our side”.

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