Cancer Cures, Dragons and More

The blind mystic Baba Vanga was credited by some with the forecast of an increase in ISIS, Brexit and even the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. If we want to believe in the late Vanga, then 2021 could see more worrying prophecies come to fruition – although his supposed powers of clairvoyance may also have seen signs of hope.

Baba Vanga
The blind mystic Baba Vanga in an undated photo.

One of the most interesting aspects about the phenomenon of Baba Vanga, which has been called “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, is that she gained much of her reputation after dying in 1996, at the age of 85.

Born Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova in 1911, she was blind since childhood and spent most of her life in the Bulgarian mountains of Kozhuh. While she was alive, there were people who believed she had clairvoyant powers and would go to her to contact dead relatives. However, Baba Vanga became internationally known four years after her death, when the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk sank in 2000. (She would have predicted in 1980 that Kursk would be flooded, but at the time, it was believed that she spoke of the Russian city. Kursk.)

For 2021, the United Kingdom Subway writes that Baba Vanga said he predicted that the world will suffer “many cataclysms and major disasters” during the year, while three “giants” unite and a “strong dragon” takes over humanity. Some speculate that the “dragon” is China and that this prediction means that the nation’s global power will continue to strengthen.

On a positive note, Vanga also said he predicted that a cure for cancer would be found in 2021. She is said to have said: “The day will come when cancer will be tied with iron chains.”

Many people remain skeptical about what is said to be Baba Vanga’s predictions, as there is no real evidence that any of these prophecies are true, despite claims that Baba Vanga’s predictions were 85 percent accurate. From UK Daily Express recently pointed to an investigation that found that many of the so-called clairvoyant prophecies were actually created by Russian social media trolls.

What makes it difficult to trace the veracity of what Vanga may or may not have said is the fact that she was supposedly illiterate or semi-literate and did not write anything herself, on the contrary, says Nostradamus, who left behind the 1555 book Les Propheties. Thus, Baba Vanga’s words were documented secondhand.

Her believers, who are many, say her predictions go back to 5079, when she supposedly said the world will end. The most immediate prophecies attributed to the mystic for 2021, however, are that President Donald Trump will suffer from deafness and deadly illness, Russian President Vladimir Putin will survive an assassination attempt and that Europe may face a chemical attack from Muslim extremists.

These predictions for Trump and Putin are similar to Baba Vanga’s alleged claims made about their destinations in 2020, but some argue that Trump hiring COVID-19 makes Vanga at least partially accurate.

The fortune teller’s alleged prophecy that Europe “would cease to exist in 2016” was interpreted as a vote by Britain to leave the EU in that year’s referendum in what is commonly known as “Brexit”. Baba Vanga is said to have predicted the outcome of this 2016 decision as Europe becoming “empty spaces and vacant lots, almost devoid of any form of life”, which even the most fervent anti-Brexit activists would have a hard time arguing to be the case .

Another of her most famous predictions was when she allegedly predicted the 9/11 attacks, saying “two steel birds” would hit “American brothers”. She would have said, “Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush and innocent blood will flow.” The “steel birds” could be interpreted as the hijacked passenger jets that hit the buildings of the World Trade Center, while “bush” could have been a reference to the then president and “innocent blood” could be the resulting wars in Afghanistan and the Iraq.

In 1979, Vanga reportedly told writer Valentin Sidorov that Russia would become “lord of the world” thanks in part to “the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia”. Believers say the Vladimir in question is Putin.

Another possible prediction of success would be the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, which devastated Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries, killing more than 230,000. It is said that Vanga once said: “A great wave will cover a great coast covered with people and cities, and everything will disappear under the water. Everything will melt, just like the ice.”

Other reported predictions were somewhat unpredictable. There was one about China emerging as the next big superpower in 2018 and a new form of energy emerging on Venus. Although China’s status has continued to rise since the death of Baba Vanga, 2018 did not look like a particularly important year of growth. Furthermore, as far as we know here on Earth, there was nothing important happening on Venus that year.

In the meantime, supposed predictions were totally incorrect. A popular claim attributed to Vanga was that Barack Obama would be the last American president, which was obviously not the case when Trump took office. Some other false predictions, taken from the 2006 book Vanga. A look at Russia by Lyubov Orlova, include a third World War that should have started in 2010 with nuclear weapons and then ended in 2014. The resulting radioactive fallout would mean that no animals or vegetation would exist in the Northern Hemisphere, and Muslims would then start a chemical war against surviving Europeans. Before the supposed end of the Third World War in 2014, many people would become ill from ulcers, skin cancer and other diseases due to chemical warfare. Baba Vanga also predicted that a giant meteorite would hit Russia in 2019 or 2020.

Whether his supposed predictions for 2021 will come true – or even close to the truth – has yet to be seen, but there is still time for some of his more distant prophecies. Other events she would have predicted are the end of world hunger in 2028, Mars being colonized and colonies acquiring nuclear weapons in 2256, and the Earth becoming uninhabitable until 2341.
