‘Big Tech in bed with the US government’, manipulating policy decisions considered a transvestite by an expert


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Dave Clark, the new CEO of Amazon’s retail unit, previously offered US President Joe Biden the “operational reach” of the e-commerce giant in his much-lauded 100-day mission to boost vaccination with COVID-19 across the globe. country, but raised questions as to why the company apparently hesitated to offer to help the Trump administration’s COVID response.

After the prominent e-commerce company Amazon became the latest in a line of major technology companies supporting the US vaccine deployment plans hailed by Joe Biden’s government as a way to restart the COVID-19 response, ostensibly unsuccessful by Donald Trump, questions were raised.

Critics from both the left and right of the political spectrum are wondering why the company seemed to have waited for Democrat Biden to take over before offering help to the federal government.

© REUTERS / Irfan Khan / Pool

Fire Chief Ellsworth Fortman, assistant to the Los Angeles Fire Department, administers the COVID-19 vaccine as mass vaccination of health workers begins at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California, USA, January 15, 2021

In a letter to Joe Biden, top executive Dave Clark congratulated newly elected president and vice president Kamala Harris for their new positions after Induction Day, before informing that the company was prepared to provide its operational reach for “ have a significant impact ”on the administration’s ambitious vaccination plans.

“We have an agreement in place with a third-party provider of licensed occupational health to administer vaccines on-site at our Amazon facilities. We are prepared to act quickly as soon as vaccines are available, ”wrote the new chief executive of Amazon’s retail unit, in reference to the effort by the world’s largest online retailer to supply vaccines to its workforce of more than 800,000.

“In addition, we are prepared to leverage our operations, information technology and communication skills and experience to assist in the administration’s vaccination efforts,” says the letter dated January 20.

It was not clear how and whether the Biden government responded to the offer to take advantage of the technology giant’s logistical resources to boost aid in the vaccine distribution program.

In response to reports from Amazon’s letter, two senior Trump administration officials said Fox Business that Amazon officials had never made such a direct offer to the former commander in chief.

Amazon offered no official response to speculation about the role of politics in different approaches for the two American governments by the company.

‘Collusion of Unscrupulous Entities’

Framing this argument to present it as a left / right issue is detrimental to understanding the central issue in question, says American author and writer Gary D. Barnett.

‘Big Tech helping Democrats instead of helping Trump’ is dismissed by him as a scarecrow argument, diverting attention from the question of why big technology is involved in medical and political influence in the first place, whether with Trump or Biden, or any other politicians.

“Why can great technology influence or control medical and vaccination policy in any way for any administration?” asks the author.

“Big Tech has been in bed with the government, financed by the government and involved in various political decisions for many years, regardless of which particular party was in power. This is a scam in itself, ”says Barnett.

According to the writer, the ruling class, its ‘government pawns’, tech giants like Amazon, Google, Apple, pharmaceutical companies and tax-free foundations, all work and conspire as a partnership in what can be described as a ‘fascist collaboration’.

Attacking those who base the argument on purely political favoritism over Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Joe Biden, Barnett insists on seeing the issue as an inherent manifestation of ‘collusion and corruption by unscrupulous entities’.
