Biden consultants see a short and narrow path to success in the first year

President Biden has a thin and short road to success in his first six to nine months, key advisers told Axios. His success, or failure, will dictate whether he will succeed in driving out both Republican critics – and activist Democrats who want him to grow faster.

The big picture: Biden needs to move vaccines and pump the stimulus project, so that the economy starts to swing, advisers said. That’s why it filled its White House with loyal veterans focused almost exclusively on these two topics.

  • Success would put you in a maximal position with the public – and Congress. Behind the scenes, the main advisers fear that, even with the maximalist power, the reality of what awaits it leaves little room for celebrations.

Cedric Richmond, The senior White House adviser and director of the Office of Public Engagement, told Axios on HBO that the White House feels “an extreme sense of urgency”.

  • “We are not passing the ball,” Richmond said. “Everything falls at our door. But President Biden ran for president knowing about these things and he will address them.”
  • “It’s gonna be hard – very difficult. But we are going to give all our attention, all our power, and we will try our best. “

Richmond said the White House will continue to open up to Republicans, but has made it clear that Biden is prepared to carry out his $ 1.9 trillion bailout plan with just a few or even zero votes from the Republican Party.

  • “I can tell you about the American Rescue Plan, “said Richmond,” if our choice is to wait and go bipartisan with an insufficient package, we are not going to do that. “

What is the next: There is not much joy reserved for this presidency. Even at best – the virus decreases; the economy roars – see the well-known unknowns that Biden faces, and that can suddenly consume his presidency:

  • Another pandemic.
  • A China on the rise.
  • A cyber attack, like what we just saw accomplished by the Russians.
  • More countries receiving nuclear weapons.

Go deeper: Richmond sees progress in the first term in reparations.
