Battlefield 6 receives development support from Criterion, next postponed Need for Speed ​​title

EA has announced that it will postpone the release of Criterion’s next Need for Speed ​​game by a year and will change the studio to assist DICE in the development of Battlefield 6, which is due to be released on Xbox Series X | S and PlayStation 5 this fall.

Battle field

In a note shared with EA officials, studio boss Laura Miele talked about how the next Battlefield game is turning into something “exceptional” with gameplay that is “on an unprecedented scale”. Miele goes on to say that DICE did a fantastic job while working from home in the face of a global pandemic and that EA wants to build its position of strength to “deliver the best possible experience to our players” with the next Battlefield game. “We are making a bold move,” said Miele. “Criterion is teaming up with DICE and DICE LA to focus on Battlefield. Criterion and DICE have a strong history of working together and we are confident that this partnership will make a great game even better.”

With Criterion changing to support DICE, Criterion’s next Need for Speed ​​game will be delayed for a year. Initially, the unidentified NFS title was released sometime in the fiscal year 2022 (between April 2021 and the end of March 2022). EA says we can now wait for the next entry in the Need for Speed ​​series on FY2023.

However, thanks to EA’s recent $ 1.2 billion acquisition of Codemasters, Miele notes that racing fans will not be without games to play from EA, “With the addition of Codemasters, we also have a great opportunity to expand the EA’s racing strategy. Codemasters has several to launch next year, bringing players some great new racing games on our FY22. “

Battlefield 6 will be released this fall.
