Atrium Health administering COVID-19 vaccine to non-critical employees, despite state regulations

“I am fortunate to work for a health system that was one of the first to receive the vaccine in this region. Atrium Health is vaccinating frontline healthcare professionals first, with people like me, who play supporting roles, being served in the coming weeks. Doing what we do, my team and I often go to our hospitals and locations to support the excellent work being done and share it with the public. After going through the state’s online process and getting the state’s approval for the vaccine, I consider myself very happy to be among those scheduled to receive the vaccine and am very excited to get it. I completely understand the questions that I asked too. I was told it is my time to get the vaccine, and instead of missing that chance and the vaccine going to waste, I grabbed the opportunity. My hope is that when it comes time for each person to get the vaccine, they too will. My continued thanks to all of our health heroes. We will continue to mask, practice social detachment and use proper hand hygiene to help protect them and all of us. “
