As Bernalillo County moves towards the green reopening level, the data expert assesses the prospects

As Bernalillo County moves towards the level of green reopening, data expert assesses prospects |
As Bernalillo County moves towards the level of green reopening, data expert ponders prospects |

After registering around 700 cases per day in late November, the municipality now has a 7-day average of 117 cases on Thursday afternoon, which shows improvement, but is still above the mark of about 54 required cases. to reach the green level.

The state started the red-green structure in December, creating two requirements for municipalities to reach the green level. For two weeks, they should have a positive rate below 5% and be below an average of 8 cases per 100,000 people.

As for the last metric, the average of 117 cases in Bernalillo County in 7 days reaches 17 cases per 100,000 residents.

For more perspective, KOB 4 spoke with Hubert Allen, a biostatistician in New Mexico who graduated from the Johns Hopkins program who is disseminating national information about COVID-19.

“We had a very sharp decline at the highest peak in the outbreak,” he said.

He wonders if some people have avoided testing during recent winter storms, but he believes the data is promising.

When asked when Bernalillo County could go green, Allen said, “I would still say it’s four to six weeks if you want to define me.”

New Mexico Secretary of Health and Human Services, Dr. David Scrase, said the vaccine will help prevent future growth and people’s behavior can, too.

“Will human nature change? And I think I could. I think we learned. We saw what happened when we let our guard down the last time and the previous time, and I think a lot of people lost relatives and friends in that big third wave. “

State leaders emphasize that all new Mexicans must continue to use safety precautions.
