AOC says Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are “partially responsible” for the Capitol riot

‘He’s part of this problem’: AOC says Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are ‘partly responsible’ for the Capitol revolt and says Congress should hold technology titans accountable because ‘they allowed it’

  • Speaking during a meeting at City Hall on Friday, AOC said Facebook was ‘trying to do as much damage control as possible’
  • AOC brought the audience to Congress, where Zuckerberg and other big tech giants testified about how they were dealing with misinformation
  • She said of Marcos: ‘He is part of this problem. And Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have partial responsibility for Wednesday’s events, period ‘

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) blamed partial blame on Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg for last week’s Capitol riot, highlighting the doubts she raised last year in challenging social media attack on disinformation.

Speaking during a town hall meeting on Friday, Ocasio-Cortez said Facebook was “trying to do as much damage control as possible”.

“But they knew,” she said. ‘They not only knew it, they allowed it.’

Speaking during a town hall meeting on Friday, AOC said Facebook was 'trying to do as much damage control as possible'

Speaking during a meeting at City Hall on Friday, AOC said Facebook was ‘trying to do as much damage control as possible’

AOC brought up the hearing in Congress, where Zuckerberg and other big tech giants testified about how they were dealing with disinformation before the 2020 presidential election.

“We knew this was a problem,” she said. ‘We knew this until now before COVID, I asked him specifically about electoral disinformation and its Facebook ties to white supremacist organizations, and the ties’ fact-checking organizations’ had to other white supremacy media. .. would not answer. So there is a very clear link here. ‘

She declared from Marcos: ‘He is part of this problem. And Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have partial responsibility for Wednesday’s events, period.

AOC brought the audience to Congress, where Zuckerberg and other big tech giants testified about how they were dealing with misinformation

AOC brought the audience to Congress, where Zuckerberg and other big tech giants testified about how they were dealing with misinformation

Supporters of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, protest inside the United States Capitol on January 6

Supporters of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, protest inside the United States Capitol on January 6

She declared from Marcos: 'He is part of this problem.  And Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have partial responsibility for Wednesday's events, period '

She said of Marcos: ‘He is part of this problem. And Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have partial responsibility for Wednesday’s events, period ‘

After the Capitol riots, Facebook suspended Trump’s access to his page.

Facebook chief of operations Sheryl Sandberg sought to distance the platform from any blame for the DC attack.

Facebook's director of operations, Sheryl Sandberg, sought to distance the platform from any blame for the DC attack.

Facebook’s director of operations, Sheryl Sandberg, sought to distance the platform from any blame for the DC attack.

In an interview with Reuters, Sandberg said Facebook had already removed QAnon, the Proud Boys and the mention of #StoptheSteal from the platform.

‘Our application is never perfect, so I’m sure there were still things on Facebook … I think these events were largely organized on platforms that don’t have our ability to prevent hate, don’t have our standards and don’t’ We don’t have our transparency, ‘she said.

AOC’s comments come at a time when Facebook announced that it will review all events related to the grand opening and remove those that violate the site’s policies. They will also block events created in the United States by foreign accounts and pages.

“We are monitoring for signs of violence or other threats in Washington, DC and in all 50 states,” said Facebook in a statement, CBS News reported. ‘… as we did in the weeks after the presidential election, we are promoting accurate information about the election and violence on Capitol Hill, rather than content that our systems expect to be less accurate, delegitimize the election or portray the rebels as victims. ‘

Facebook is blocking the creation of new events before opening – and those made by foreign pages

Facebook announced that it will review all events related to the inauguration and remove those that violate the site’s policies. They will also block events created in the US by foreign accounts and pages.

“We are monitoring for signs of violence or other threats in Washington, DC and in all 50 states,” Facebook said in a statement, CBS News reported. ‘… as we did in the weeks after the presidential election, we are promoting accurate information about the election and violence on Capitol Hill, rather than content that our systems expect to be less accurate, delegitimize the election or portray the rebels as victims. ‘

The platform said it will also continue to pause political advertising and is restricting some features to users “who repeatedly violate policies”.

Those who fall under the designation will not be able to create live videos or hold events, groups or pages.
