Andrew Yang files the paperwork to run for mayor of New York

Technology entrepreneur Andrew Yang, a former presidential candidate, filed a lawsuit to explore a possible candidacy for mayor of New York.

Yang, 45, joins more than two dozen people who have also filed documents with the city’s Campaign Finance Council, including Ray McGuire, the former vice president of Citigroup Inc .; the city controller, Scott Stringer, and former US Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan.

Born in Schenectady, New York, the son of Taiwanese immigrants, Yang worked for several startups before becoming CEO of a Manhattan test preparation company that was sold to Kaplan Inc. in 2009. In 2017, he declared his candidacy for president.

Yang built his campaign on the promise of $ 1,000 a month in universal basic income for each adult, with a tax on technology companies. He closed his bidding in February 2020.

The 2021 mayoral election will be the first to use ranked voting, in which the ballots will allow voters to rank their five most favorite candidates.
