An unrelated congresswoman will present articles on impeachment against Biden on January 21

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene said on Wednesday she would be presenting impeachment articles against President-elect Joe Biden the day after Biden’s expected inauguration.

Greene, a first-year representative, has expressed public support in the past for QAnon’s conspiracy theories. Outgoing President Donald Trump’s strong ally voted against his second impeachment on Wednesday. According to his Twitter feed, Greene plans to try to impeach Biden on his first official day in office.

“On January 21, 2021, I will be presenting articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for abuse of power,” tweeted Greene, adding the hashtags “#ImpeachBiden,” #QuidProJoe “and” BidenCrimeFamilly. “

In an interview on Wednesday at Newsmax, Greene said: “On behalf of the American people, we have to ensure that our leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States willing to abuse the power of the presidency and be easily bought by governments foreigners, Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies. “

“I can’t imagine people in this country so afraid of the future of a Biden presidency that they might be willing to commit violence as they did on Capitol Hill here in Washington, DC,” she added.

Newsweek contacted Greene’s office and Biden’s transition team for further comments.

Greene is known for her public support for QAnon, a conspiracy movement that believes Trump is leading a secret war against a worldwide group of pedophile traffickers who worship Satan.

impeachment of marjorie taylor greene joe biden
Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted on Wednesday that she would seek impeachment for President-elect Joe Biden the day after he officially took office.
Sarah Silbiger / Getty

In a 2017 video, Greene described Trump’s presidency as “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lift this global conspiracy of Satan-worshiping pedophiles, and I think we have the president to do that.”

Greene later distanced himself from his pro-QAnon comments, telling Fox News in August 2020 that “as soon as I started to find incorrect information, I decided that I would choose another path”.

Greene’s support for Trump continued as the president repeatedly claimed that the election had been stolen from him by Democrats. In December, Greene announced that he would join other members of the Republican Party to object to Congress to certify Biden’s victory.

“I have President Trump back,” Greene said at a rally in Georgia. “Do you want to know why? He protects us.”

Last week, certification of Electoral College results was suspended as pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol building. Many lawmakers were forced to hide until the situation stabilized. Five people died as a result of the rebellion, including a Capitol police officer. On Wednesday, the House passed an impeachment article against Trump for his alleged role in inciting the riot.

Greene voted against impeachment, claiming that Democrats turned a blind eye to disturbances against racism and police brutality during the summer of 2020. “Democrats support the emptying of the police when it is someone else’s city, someone else’s home. and somebody else’s business, “she said during the Chamber’s impeachment hearing.

Trump’s impeachment motion passed with a 232-197 vote. Trump is the only president of the United States to be impeached twice in a term.
