Amy Schumer on the Hilaria Baldwin controversy

Quick recap: Schumer again posted (and has since deleted) a photo of Baldwin holding his son in lingerie with an almost identical caption as a joke. The photo generated comments about Baldwin that she covered in a series of videos on Instagram – and That the videos are part of what started the whole “Boston Hilaria” business.

“Oh my God, I really don’t even know what to say,” said Schumer. “I didn’t know it was going to happen, obviously. I feel it was so crazy and fun that I think Hilaria is probably the only person who is happy with the Capitol insurrection, because it distracted [people] from that. “

“She is incredible and I wish her and her family the best,” she added, before making a joke (of course): “And I hope she visits Spain as much as she wants.”

What about the joke that preceded the whole controversy? Schumer said she “just thought it was funny” at the time: “It’s kind of crazy to be, like, lingerie with your baby … so I saw that she made a video and she looked a little upset. Me, but about the comments she was receiving. “

“I was like, ‘I don’t want to be mean’, and she looked like it might hurt her, so I just wrote it down.”

“We were just playing with each other, and then the whole history of Spain was released. I felt like everyone was watching. Like, ‘What’s going on?’ I thought we were still playing, so I wrote, “Hey, look, I love Spain too.” But then it all became a big thing and people were really upset, so I just took [too]. “

Together with my faults, Schumer had some thoughts that Hillary – sorry, Hilaria—Baldwin may want to keep in mind: “Look, she’s a mother. She has a million and a half children, and that’s very difficult. So I just – I don’t want them to have a bad time.”

“But also, you can’t just pretend to be from Spain.”

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