Amelia Hamlin responds to “black fishing” allegations

Amelia Hamlin responded to “black fishing” accusations after a series of photos she shared on social media sparked controversy.

On February 25, the model shared a series of photos of herself on Instagram. In the photos, she wears her hair in a long, thin braid, and her skin tone looks several shades darker than in her other recent photos. She put the caption on the post, “lash got me like …”

Although the 19-year-old’s comments are now disabled for this post, she took her story on Instagram to share that she received negative comments about the photos, which accused her of “black fishing”. The term “black fishing” refers to when non-black individuals wear hair or makeup to create the appearance of certain characteristics that make them appear black or more racially ambiguous. In this case, it was Amelia’s dark complexion that made some question her intentions.

The star that is dating Scott Disick, she wrote in her story, “I am receiving a lot of comments regarding my last photo. I was told that I am ‘fishing for black’ – thank you all for educating me on this subject. I recently went on vacation under the sun, and with my Italian heritage I tan very easily. “
