Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a 4-hour movie, not a miniseries, says the director

Despite reports to the contrary, HBO Max will not launch Zack Snyder’s Justice League as a four-part miniseries. Instead, Snyder himself confirmed via VERO that HBO Max would launch Snyder’s cut as a single film with a solid four-hour pre-credit run time. The director also confirmed that a poster for the project and the release date would be revealed soon. Snyder’s cut is almost complete and will be released in March by Warner Bros. ‘streaming platform. Zack Snyder’s Justice League sees Snyder finishing his 2017 version Justice League film, which fans have campaigned for years to make happen. Still, Snyder said earlier that he did not expect to see this become a reality.

“It was an interesting experience,” said Snyder during an appearance on Comic Debate Youtube channel. “I have to say that I never thought it would happen. I lived with the prospect that it would never happen and that’s okay. I’ll be honest. I was going to get in. It would be a situation where this was a film that I never actually finished. I I have my cut of it here at home, and if you want to see it when you’re done, you can take a look, but that’s basically it. yes, the film, you are allowed to finish it and do it right, it was a very cathartic and beautiful moment that I shared with my family … it was really an impossible dream that came true. “

Snyder brought back the Justice League scheduled to do 5 minutes of additional footage and rework many of the film’s visual effects shots. The production of the four-hour cut costs HBO Max more than $ 30 million.

“It’s not as easy as getting into the vault, and there’s a Snyder Cut there to launch,” said Bob Greenblatt, head of HBO Max Voxin Recode podcast in May. “It doesn’t exist. Zack is actually building and it’s complex, including new VFX photos. It’s a radical overhaul of that film, and it’s complicated and extremely expensive. a huge and very complex enterprise. “

Zack Snyder’s Justice League launches on HBO Max in 2021.
