Zack Snyder reveals a horrible photo of the unused wonder woman from the other world

Zack Snyder shared a historic photo of Wonder Woman that depicts a “Diana tired of war” holding three decapitated heads. The image was prominently placed on the backdrop of Snyder’s office during a virtual interview in which he participated with the ComicBook Debate, where he discussed his version of the Justice League and the move that led to the launch of the Snyder Cut on HBO Max. , the sepia snapshot quickly became the main subject of interest among fans who were eager to take a look at the photo.

Snyder subsequently posted a high-resolution version of the 1854 Wonder Woman image, along with details of his initial ideas for Diana Prince’s origin story. At the Twitter caption, he wrote: “This incredible image taken by Stephen Berkman from another world, Diana tired of the war, who had chased [Ares] across the battlefields of the world and she hadn’t met Steve yet, who would help her restore her faith in humanity and in her own love. “

Image credit: Stephen Berkman via Zack Snyder.

Image credit: Stephen Berkman via Zack Snyder.

The horrible photo shows Diana of Gal Gadot stoically alongside several other warriors during the early years of the Crimean War, setting her backstory even more in the past than Patty Jenkins’ First World War in 2017’s Wonder Woman. The battle-worn hero is shown in front of the photo, holding his enemies’ severed heads with one hand and his weapon with the other.

This is just one of the few alternative versions of the photo that Bruce Wayne of Ben Affleck could have discovered from Diana and his team in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. If this photo had been used, it would have created a very different path for Diana, as she would have denied her decision to leave Themiscyra for Steve Trevor and the entire mission portrayed in the movie Wonder Woman.

DC Extended Universe: all upcoming films

The slightly less brutal version of Diana recently returned to our screens for 1984 Wonder Woman, the sequel set in the Cold War that IGN praised for presenting “a nostalgic look at a beloved era”, which we feel ultimately provided “escapism. of an exceptionally difficult time “and offered the” kind of brilliant and hopeful film that the character’s legacy deserves “.

Adele Ankers is a freelance entertainment journalist. You can reach it at Twitter.
