Zack Snyder explains the importance of the black Superman suit

Zack Snyder delved into the importance of Henry Cavill’s Superman wearing the black suit in his next Justice League version for HBO Max.

Justice League director Zack Snyder revealed more about the importance of Superman’s black.

“It’s interesting, too, because like, you know, the black suit. Because you can tell, in modern Krypton, when he left … everyone was wearing black suits, mostly, you know?” Snyder said in I Minutemen. “So, it’s kind of connected … in a way, to the old world. I think it’s a more direct relationship with his family.”

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Snyder went on to explain that, in his eyes, Superman’s traditional red and blue suit represents the hero’s place on Earth. “Do you know what I mean? Like … the blue suit is your ‘hero suit’,” he continued. “The ‘Suit of Your Destiny’. Where, for example, the black suit is more personal in many ways.

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Snyder continued to double the idea that the black suit is “more about his family”, explaining: “One is outside and the other is inside. And I think these things [are] the expression of that … Let’s put it this way … It was always my intention that the biggest arc of the films would understand this more completely. But I think you have a sense of that here. “

The last trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League included images of Henry Cavill’s Superman using his heat vision powers while wearing his black suit. Snyder previously confirmed that he chose Superman to wear the black suit Justice League because he wanted to represent a physical transformation of the character throughout the film.

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“Superman had to, at each step, kind of level up and learn something, and be something different … What I planned was that the final step for Superman, [was] his real return, or his real coming to what I would consider the classic Superman, “Snyder confirmed in January. He added,” We really don’t understand that in this film, the classic Superman. I also think that the black suit is a great time liner. “

Zack Snyder’s Justice League stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ezra Miller as The Flash, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred Pennyworth, Diane Lane as Martha Kent , Ray Porter as Darkseid, Ciarán Hinds as Steppenwolf, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and JK Simmons as Commissioner Gordon. The film hits HBO Max on March 18.

CONTINUE READING: Justice League: website launched at the premiere of Countdown HBO Max

Source: YouTube

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