Zach Braff shares a sweet birthday message for girlfriend Florence Pugh

“I always thought it was funny how I can be good enough for people to watch my work, support my work and pay for tickets, and I am old enough to be an adult and pay taxes, but I am not old enough to know who I should or should not be with. have sex, “she said on the July 2020 podcast Sue Perkins: one hour alone.

“Again, [it’s] make a young woman feel bad for no reason, “she continued.” I think I felt bad for a while when I admitted that, and then I thought, ‘How ridiculous is that?’ I’m 24 and can’t choose who I love? … There is a reason why I’m not with someone my age – it didn’t work. So, who are you trying to match me with? “

Although Florence understands why people are interested in her personal life, she admitted that it still seems strange to have strangers criticizing her novel.

“People want to have a say in who you go out with, where you go to lunch. And I think for me, I always discovered that part of this life – even when I grew up watching actresses – I always found it strange how people have a word to say about his private life, “she expressed. “The fact is, I’m not a reality show star, I don’t let people in my life like that.”
