Xbox still has unannounced games coming in 2021

Xbox program management director Jason Ronald made it clear that there are unannounced Xbox games scheduled to launch in 2021. Speaking in an episode of the Iron Lords Podcast about the Xbox Series X and S, Ronald was asked which game he was playing. he was more anxious the following year, to which he replied: “Not all games that will be released this year have been announced.”

While not specifically referring to Xbox Games Studios games, the comment sparked speculation about whether Ronald is referring to games coming from Microsoft-owned studios – or even from his studios that will soon be owned, given the Bethesda acquisition has taken important steps in relation to the weekend. Ronald did not elaborate.

All 2021 games with confirmed release dates

The Xbox 2021 lineup already has big hits like Halo Infinite and Psychonauts 2 on the way, but clearly Microsoft is planning to add more to the list. Interestingly, Xbox marketing chief Aaron Greenberg said recently earlier this month that “there is nothing coming soon” regarding major game advertising events, so you may not expect these mysterious games to be revealed in the future. extremely close.

In other Xbox news, Series X, S and Xbox One are getting an updated browser that can apparently play Google Stadia games. The Biden administration is currently reviewing the supply chains that are causing supply shortages for the Xbox Series X and S, as well as the PS5.

Jordan Oloman is a freelance writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.
