Xbox Game Pass Causes Return of Fan Favorite Game

A popular Xbox Game Pass title that was previously in service is said to be back soon. This information comes through an official Xbox Game Pass social media account that started triggering the revelation of this mysterious game.

Much like what it did in the past, the Xbox Game Pass Twitter account shared a new email mockup that indicates that a new game will enter the service in the future. The email comes from Melissa McGamepass, who is also the fictitious name used in these types of provocations. The game in question that is being suggested here has been removed from the message, but the main information we can extract from this provocation is that the mysterious title has been in the subscription service before.

The only problem with this tweet for those who speak English is that the Twitter account for the Xbox Game Pass that shared this message is that of the European region that speaks German. So, if you want to read the provocation for yourself, it is better to be fluent in that language. Up to this point, Xbox accounts in English have not done the same provocation, which is a little puzzling.

As for what that game could be, well, there are a handful of options. Obviously, the Xbox Game Pass has won and lost many titles over the years, but some games stand out a little more than others. Personally, I am betting on this return game, being Fallout 4. Bethesda’s open-world RPG was removed from the platform in 2020, but since then, Microsoft has announced that it will soon acquire the Fallout 4 early 2021. Bringing the beloved first person game back to the Xbox Game Pass to align with this acquisition seems to make more sense.

If we are going to hear more about the addition of this new game to the Xbox Game Pass soon, you imagine that we will discover what it is soon. Microsoft usually doesn’t wait long after provocations like this to reveal what’s going on. To stay up to date with the progress of this story, you can continue to follow all things related to the Xbox Game Pass here.

What do you expect this new addition to the Xbox Game Pass to be? And you think that Fallout 4 is a solid assumption? Let me know your own opinion in the comments or on Twitter at @ MooreMan12.
