Xbox boss Phil Spencer says Bethesda games will go wherever there is a Game Pass

During the live broadcast of the Microsoft-Bethesda roundtable, Xbox boss Phil Spencer was asked how the partnership would affect exclusivity – will Bethesda games be only for Xbox and PC in the future? Spencer said that while there are “contractual obligations” that must be met, the deal will result in exclusive games. For that, he said that the partnership will deliver exclusive games that “come on platforms where [Xbox] The Game Pass exists. “

Pete Hines raised the question for Spencer, who noted that he listened to the community and wanted to be as clear as possible because he thinks transparency is fair. After digressing a little bit about how “all Bethesda games [is not] exclusive “due to contractual obligations, Spencer said that Bethesda games will exist on any platform where the Xbox Game Pass resides. This means, from now on, Xbox consoles, PCs and mobile devices via cloud streaming.

“If you’re an Xbox customer, I want you to know that it’s about delivering great games that are exclusive to you, that come on platforms where [Xbox] The Game Pass exists, “said Spencer.” This is our goal. That’s why we are doing this. This is the root of the partnership we are building and the creative capacity that we will be able to bring to the market for our Xbox customers. It will be the best of all time for the Xbox after we’re done here. “

Spencer also clarified that the Xbox has games on other platforms – such as Minecraft – that continue to be compatible. Bethesda games will fall into this similar category, as Spencer noted that the company “loves these communities [of players] and will continue to invest in them. “

Immediately after answering this question, Xbox announced that 20 Bethesda games will arrive on the Xbox Game Pass on March 12. This includes the two Dishonored titles, the Doom franchise, the most prominent Elder Scrolls games like Morrowind and Oblivion, Prey, Rage 2 and more. Now that March 12th has arrived, games are available.

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Tocando agora: Acordo Xbox e Bethesda: Os Jogos Bethesda são Exclusivos para o Xbox agora?
