WWE legend Mick Foley reveals positive diagnosis of COVID-19

Wrestling legend Mick Foley revealed that his test was positive for COVID-19 in a Twitter post, and he has been isolated in his hotel room for the past few weeks since the positive test. Foley says it happened in December after a virtual subscription, but gave no further details. He added that people should take this seriously and mask social distance, and you can check out the full post below.

“I tested positive for COVID after a December virtual subscription and have been isolated in a hotel room for the past 18 days.

Continue to take this virus seriously – mask, social distance, beware of each other.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year. “

Foley declined his appearances and other events this year, although during his most recent online signing he took off his mask for the most part so that he could make the experience better for fans. He was only with two other people in the room, but unfortunately, he knew that one of them tested positive, and he also took the test after taking the test.

He has since been in a hotel room and reveals in the video that he missed Christmas and New Year with his family. He then emphasized the importance of taking this seriously and cautiously until a vaccine is readily available.

We will keep you informed if we learn more, but our thoughts are with Foley and we wish him a speedy recovery.
