Wooroloo Bushfire: 56 homes lost, most threatened by Australian forest fire | World News

PERTH, Australia: An uncontrolled fire burning northeast of the Australian city of Perth, on the west coast, destroyed at least 56 houses and threatened more on Tuesday, with many residents in the region informed that it is too late to leave.
The 7,000-hectare (17,000-acre) fire, which has a perimeter of 80 kilometers (50 miles), started on Monday and lasted all night near the town of Wooroloo, with Mundaring, Chittering, Northam and the counties. of Swan affected.
Losses were expected to increase as teams continued their damage assessments, Western Australia State Fire Department and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm said.
One fireman was treated for smoke inhalation and another received a superficial burn on one ear, Deputy Commissioner Craig Waters said. No other injuries have been reported.
The fire doubled in size overnight and burned 7,366 hectares (18,202 acres) of farmland and woodland, Waters said.
“ The strong winds are preventing us from entering and containing the fire and bringing it under control, ” he said.
State premier Mark McGowan said 80% of all properties in Tilden Park, near Gidgegannup, on Perth’s northeastern rural fringe, were lost.
McGowan said a large aerial tanker was flying from the Australian east coast to help fight the fire.
“ This is an extremely dangerous fire and a serious situation. Climatic conditions are extremely volatile, ” McGowan said.
“ Please do everything you can to keep you and your family safe and take care of each other, ” he added.
People on a 25-kilometer (16-mile) stretch west of Wooroloo to Walyunga National Park, northeast of Perth, were told on Tuesday that it had become very dangerous to leave their homes.
“ You must take shelter before the fire arrives, as the extreme heat will kill you well before the flames reach you, ” said the last warning.
The roads of a semi-rural suburb The Vines, on the northern outskirts of Perth, were crowded with traffic, making some people choose to stay.
Melissa Stahl, 49, took a message telling her to evacuate.
“I could smell the fire and I went out the back and the whole yard was filled with smoke,” she said. “ We took bedding, photos, the two children and the dog and left. ”
A warning for other threatened areas told people to leave if they are not prepared to fight the fire. The forest fire is unpredictable and weather conditions are changing rapidly, the warning said, asking people to remain vigilant.
The cause of the fire was unknown.
Superintendent of the Fire and Emergency Services Department, Peter Sutton, said about 250 firefighters were battling the irregular fire.
“ It made it very difficult, almost impossible … to suppress that fire, ” Sutton said.
Forest fires are common during the current southern hemisphere summer. However, the season has been mild on Australia’s southeastern coast, which was devastated by major fires last summer.
