Woman wins $ 60 million jackpot using husband’s dream numbers

A Canadian woman won a $ 60 million jackpot using numbers from a dream that her husband had 20 years ago.

Deng Pravatoudom, 57, has played the digits for the past two decades – and it finally paid off last month, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) said in a press release on Monday.

“I started to cry,” said Pravatoudom of the good news.

“I have always prayed for a blessing for my family to take care of!”

The grandmother of two, who was fired last spring amid the coronavirus pandemic, said she was grateful for the cash injection.

“My husband and I worked many hours as workers for over 40 years, trying to save what we could for our family …”, she said.

“This money will certainly help to make our lives a lot easier.”

As an immigrant from Laos who came to Canada with her 14 brothers in 1980, Pravatoudom said that winning the jackpot was beyond her dreams.

“My family was sponsored by a local church and, as we had nothing, I am grateful for the great support they have given us over the years,” said Pravatoudom.

The couple’s two children were relieved when they learned of the great victory.

“They said, ‘Mom and Dad, you’ve worked so hard for 40 years and made a lot of sacrifices, so you deserve that happiness!'” Pravatoudom recalled.

She and her husband plan to leave the apartment and buy a house with the earnings, in addition to paying some bills.

Pravatoudom also wants to travel: to Texas, Hawaii and Europe.

“Except when I came to Canada from Laos, I never really traveled,” she said. “I’m excited to see the world.”
