Will there be another stimulus check in 2021? What Biden, top members of Congress said

Many Americans have a $ 600 stimulus check on their way as part of a recent aid package, but it is possible that another payment will reach people’s accounts next year.

On Sunday night, President Donald Trump signed a spending package that included $ 900 billion in relief from COVID-19, but is pushing to increase direct payments to $ 2,000. A measure to increase payments was passed in the House of Representatives, but Senate leader Mitch McConnell blocked an attempt to vote on it, although he introduced a bill to increase direct payments, as well as a repeal of legislation that protects social media companies from lawsuits.

With the House out of session until January 3, when the new Congress will meet, the fate of another round of payments remains in progress. A third round of payments may take weeks, but President-elect Joe Biden has expressed the possibility of further relief once he takes office.

Speaking at a rally in Georgia in December, Biden told voters that it was important to have Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in the Senate to be vital in passing more relief projects. If Ossoff and Warnock expel Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from office in Tuesday’s second round of elections, there will be a 50-50 split in the Senate, effectively giving control to Democrats because Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will give the tiebreaker vote.

stimulus check joe biden 2021
President-elect Joe Biden supports the increase in the amount of direct payments and it is possible that there will be a third stimulus check in 2021. Biden comments on the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) underway at the Queen Theater on December 29 in Wilmington, Delaware.
Mark Makela / Getty

On Tuesday, Biden called the recent package an “initial payment” for the assistance really needed and responded affirmatively when asked if he supported the higher amount for direct payments.

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer also acknowledged that Congress’ work was not completed with the $ 900 billion package. But, he said, Biden can “focus on the American people,” even if it means increasing direct payments. On Wednesday, spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi was “hopeful” that payments of $ 2,000 could happen “this week” and that they were not “giving up”.

“We have to honor the heroes, the state and local government, and we have to put money in the pockets of the American people. Fortunately, we can do this on this side of the weekend, instead of waiting until later, the third point, direct payments This has always been our goal: to end the virus, honor our heroes, money in the pocket of the American people, “said Pelosi.

Currently, eligible Americans earning up to $ 75,000 and couples earning up to $ 150,000 will receive a total payment of $ 600 with an additional $ 600 for each eligible dependent under the age of 17. On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said people could start to see payments hit their accounts that night and checks could start being sent on Wednesday if Congress approves the increase for $ 2,000 payments , eligible Americans will receive a third check for the balance due.

While Biden applauded Congress for doing “his job” by passing bicameral bipartisan legislation, he added that he “can” and “must” ask Congress to “do it again next year”.

Biden will not take office until January 20, so if he is the president to sign a third round of direct payments, people are unlikely to receive them until February or until March. And given the struggle to find common ground for the latest package, it is unclear whether there will be enough bipartisan and bicameral support to pass the measure in Congress.
