Will the Giants keep OC Jason Garrett? Don’t ask Daniel Jones

Will Jason Garrett be back for a second season as the New York Giants offensive coordinator?

That’s a good question after the Giants finished 31st in the league in points, yards and attack passes in 2020, and drew with the New England Patriots for a league drop in touchdown passes with 12. Second-year quarterback Daniel Jones, statistically, did not have the success of a novice in launching the ball.

Garrett, coordinating an attack and summoning plays for the first time since he was appointed Dallas Cowboys coach in 2010, had to work around the loss of Saquon Barkley, the lack of dynamic receiving options and an offensive line in development. Still, his attack at times seemed static compared to many of the league’s most successful units.

Jones, for his part, doesn’t want to be dragged into a debate about Garrett’s future.

“I’m not sure I’m in a position to comment on that,” Jones said on Monday. “But I certainly enjoyed learning from Coach Garrett. I learned a lot of football, I learned a lot of philosophy about attack, how he sees the game, what he learned in his time in the NFL as a player and coach. I really enjoyed working with him. I look forward to continuing this. I really liked that. “

If he wants to leave Garrett, coach Joe Judge can turn to Freddie Kitchens, the Giants’ tight ends coach. Kitchens was an offensive coordinator in Cleveland before becoming Browns’ head coach in 2019. The judge can also look at coaches from any of the half-dozen teams where the head coaches were fired.
