Why Kathryn Hahn’s children were ‘so ashamed’ for their role in Marvel

Warning: “WandaVision” spoilers below!

Apparently, playing a witch is not always as magical as you might think.

In the last two episodes of “WandaVision”, Kathryn Hahn’s character, “Agnes”, has been revealed as Agatha Harkness, a powerful witch from Marvel comics and the villain of the series.

But it seems that Hahn had to overcome some villains of her own: her children were not so impressed to see her getting ready for the role, she said on Tuesday during an appearance on “Late Night with Seth Meyers”. (See above, at the 5:30 mark.)

“When I was practicing my moves for this particular show, I mean, my kids came in and saw me practicing, and it was like they saw me coming out of the shower. They literally were like, ‘Oh, my God. Mommy!’ As if I was practicing my witch moves and they were so ashamed, ”she said. “I am so happy that now they are suspiciously a little nicer to me. So, I know it’s getting a little colder than I thought. “

Meyers said it must have been difficult to go on set after teenagers disapproved of his performance.

“It sure gives you a lot of confidence,” joked Hahn.

To their children’s credit, however, they helped teach her what’s really going on at MCU – which is no easy task.

“It was a bit like a salad of words going into it, I couldn’t remember who was who and what was what, so they were – my son especially – it was like a big, big help,” she said.

Hahn’s magical counterpart to the show, Elizabeth Olsen, previously talked about some provocations she also received for all of her elaborate witch gestures with her hands. In her case, it was other Avengers, not teenagers, who told jokes.

Still, Hahn and Olsen play two of Marvel’s most powerful characters, and they are starring in a show that continues to reach new levels of popularity. So, who’s laughing now?
