Why bananas are good fruit for weight loss

  • Bananas can be good for weight loss because they contain a lot of fiber, which slows down digestion and helps you feel more satisfied.
  • The research found that eating high levels of fiber can reduce the risk of weight gain by up to 30%.
  • You can eat up to one banana a day as part of a healthy weight loss diet and, in general, you should eat at least two types of fruit a day.
  • Visit the Insider Health Reference Library for more advice.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to improve your health. In fact, eating bananas can have many health benefits, whether you are trying to lose weight or improve heart health.

To lose weight, it is important to talk to your doctor about developing a safe and effective weight loss plan that suits your individual health needs. In addition to eating well, you should also get more exercise and get enough sleep, for example.

But eating more fiber-rich foods, like bananas, can be a good start to a healthy weight loss plan. Here’s why.

Banana Nutrition Facts

Here are the nutritional data on a medium-sized banana, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA):

  • Fat, 0 grams, 0% DV
  • Sodium, 0 grams, 0% DV
  • Potassium, 450 mg, 13% DV
  • Carbohydrates, 30 grams, 10% DV
  • Dietary fiber, 3 grams, 12% DV
  • Vitamin A, 2% DV
  • Vitamin C, 15% DV
  • Calcium, 0% DV
  • Iron, 2% DV

An average banana has 110 calories, while a single serving of strawberries (about 8 berries) has only 50 calories. Despite this caloric difference, the fact that bananas offer phytochemicals and a number of vitamins can make them a strong addition to a healthy weight loss plan. The high fiber content in bananas can also help to keep you feeling full longer.

Are bananas good for losing weight?

“Bananas are a great source of several essential nutrients, like fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium and manganese,” says Chelsea Tersavich, PA-C, the Nutrition Outreach Fellow through the PA (Physician Assistant) Foundation, a a position that challenges her to educate the public to be healthier. “Fiber also keeps us satisfied during the day, which leads to a decrease in the total amount of calories we eat for most people.”

Banana fiber is a key part of its weight loss benefit. Banana fiber represents 12% of the recommended daily value, which directly contributes to weight loss. In fact, eating a high level of fiber can reduce your risk of gaining weight by up to 30%.

Variable intake of fruit can expose a dieter to a variety of essential nutrients. Although bananas are known to contain potassium, other fruits can also be beneficial. Although pears and apples are richer in fiber, bananas have more per serving than cherries, avocados or grapes.

In general, it is recommended that people consume two or more fruits a day as part of a healthy diet. Bananas are certainly a good choice for one of these fruits, and you can eat up to one medium-sized banana a day as part of a healthy weight loss plan.

Does banana ripeness matter?

According to Tersavich, there is no difference in the nutritional value of bananas as they ripen, but there is a change in flavor and carbohydrate levels.

Greener and less ripe bananas have a higher starch level – especially resistant starch. This type of starch can be beneficial for weight loss because it is digested more slowly and helps you feel more satisfied.

“As the bananas ripen, the starch is converted to natural sugars, so they taste sweeter and are softer,Tersavich says. And although they may taste better, the ripening process can bring less health benefits.

This can be especially true for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, who need to carefully monitor their diet and blood sugar. “For someone who is diabetic or pre-diabetic, a banana on the unripe side of the spectrum may be better, as it causes a slower rise in blood sugar,” says Tersavich.

However, greener ripe bananas can also be more difficult to digest, so anyone with digestive or GI health problems may want to avoid them.

Insider Takeaway

As part of a balanced diet, bananas can be nutritious and beneficial, even if you are trying to lose weight. Of course, eating more fruits and vegetables is a good choice for losing weight – and the high fiber content in bananas makes it an especially healthy option.
