Why are my nails peeling?

Your nails say a lot about your health. If they are weak and brittle, discolored or cresting, your fingers may be signaling that something else is going on inside your body.

Peeling your nails is no different. Although it is one of those annoying beauty problems that you may be tempted to ignore, there are several reasons for peeling your nails. Your diet, manicure techniques or even an underlying condition may be to blame.

But once you find out what’s going on, you can seek out the appropriate treatment. “Applying a little TLC to your hands and nails can solve the problem, but if not, visit your primary care doctor or dermatologist for guidance,” says Shirin Peters, MD, founder of Bethany Medical Clinic in New York City. “Your dermatologist will ask questions about possible causes or exposures and any medical conditions or medications that may play a role.”

They can also take a clipping of your nail and send it to a dermatopathologist to be examined under a microscope to get a better idea of ​​what is going on.

Don’t know why your nails are peeling? Ahead, experts look at the most common reasons, in addition to what you can do to return them to their former glory.

1. Your hands often get wet.

“The most common cause [of peeling nails] it’s a repetitive act of getting your hands wet or dry, ”says Blair Murphy-Rose MD, FAAD, an accredited dermatologist and clinical instructor at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center. “This is what happens frequently with hairdressers, cleaning women and other jobs that require frequent immersion of the hands”.

Your nails can also peel off if you spend time in hot or humid places. “Excess moisture or prolonged exposure to moisture causes the nail to swell with water and soften,” explains Dr. Peters. “The end result is a soft, brittle nail that is susceptible to damage from minimal trauma.”

To prevent this from happening, Dr. Peters recommends wearing gloves when washing dishes, drying hands and nails thoroughly after washing them, and regularly applying a hand cream containing vitamin E to replenish lost moisture.

closeup of brittle nails damaged in the nail after using shellac or gel nail polish

Alena Ivochkina Getty Images

2. You polished your nails too much.

Just as moisture-laden nails can be prone to peeling and cracking, so can nails that dry out due to excessive polishing, according to Dr. Peters.

“Excessive dryness causes the nail to become brittle, so that small traumas easily damage the nail,” she explains. This means that a small cut can turn into a big crack when the nails are very dry.

Be sure to use a rich moisturizer or nail oil after polishing your nails to prevent them from drying out, suggests Dr. Rose.

3. The chemicals in your products are very aggressive.

Certain chemicals (such as those needed for gel or acrylic nail adhesives) and ingredients found in everything from soaps and disinfectants to laundry detergents can dry your nails and make them prone to peeling, says Dr. Peters.

She recommends looking for products labeled “hypoallergenic” because they usually contain milder or natural chemical agents. If you don’t know where to start, she likes the following options: Aveeno, Cetaphil or Dove bath products; Soap dish of the Seventh Generation; Dove hand sanitizer; and laundry detergent without skin sensitive to hammer and arm and hammer.

4. You had trauma to the nails.

Getting nail polish, biting your nails, or using your nails to open a can of soda may not seem too traumatic, but activities like this can really get your nails to start peeling.

“Although the exact mechanism is not fully understood, in general, nail peeling occurs when cell-to-cell adhesion is interrupted,” says Dr. Rose. “Our nails are made up of several layers of compacted cells. The connection between a cell and other adjacent cells can be compromised as the bonds between them loosen. This is what happens when the nail peels. Cell-to-cell adhesion is broken and the layers separate. ”

To prevent the separation from happening, Dr. Rose recommends applying a nail fortifier like Ella + Mila First Aid Kiss Nail Strengthener or OPI Nail Envy Nail Strengthener – and make sure to use a mild nail polish remover without acetone instead to remove the enamel little by little.

5. Nutrient deficiency may be playing a role.

“Peeling nails has been associated with low calcium, as well as a deficiency of iron, vitamin D and B vitamins like biotin,” says Dr. Peters. “All of these vitamins help keratin – the substance that nails are made of – to get stronger.”

Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins is a good place to start treating nutritional deficiencies, but you can also ask your doctor if you could benefit from taking certain supplements.

6. A thyroid problem may be the culprit.

Although typical signs of a thyroid disorder include changes in weight, anxiety, fatigue and mental confusion, peeling nails can also be a warning sign for you to check your thyroid levels.

“Thyroid disease causes a slower rate of renewal of the skin and nails, so that the older nail tissue remains longer, causing the nails to become brittle,” explains Dr. Peters.

7. You have a fungal infection.

“Onychomycosis, or fungal nail infection, can cause several different types of nail dystrophy, including flaking of the nails,” says Dr. Rose. You may also experience thickening of your nails and white or yellowish-brown discoloration, according to experts at the Mayo Clinic.

If you think you have a fungal infection, make an appointment with your dermatologist, as treatment can be difficult. Your doctor can confirm that you have an infection and will likely prescribe oral antifungal medications to help your nails heal.

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