WHO: Coronavirus deaths fell 20 percent worldwide last week

The number of deaths from coronavirus fell 20% worldwide last week, compared to the previous week, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The total number of new reported cases has also dropped globally for the sixth consecutive week, the WHO said, with 2.4 million new cases last week. That figure represents an 11 percent decline from the previous week.

Coronavirus deaths worldwide have also dropped in the past three weeks, according to figures analyzed by the global health alliance, with 66,000 new deaths reported last week.

The WHO estimates that 110.7 million cases and more than 2.4 million deaths have been reported worldwide since the pandemic began.

The United States earlier this week passed the bleak 500,000 lives lost in the pandemic. President Joe BidenJoe BidenHoyer: House is going to vote on the COVID-19 relief bill on Friday. Pence meets with senior members of the Republican Studies Committee. Powell rejects Republican Party inflation fears, Vice president Kamala HarrisKamala HarrisCollins: Biden’s .9T coronavirus package will not have a Republican Party vote in the Senate. and Congressional leaders took moments of silence to remember these victims.

“But as we recognize the scale of this mass death in America, we remember each person and the life they lived. They are people we knew. They are people we feel we knew,” said Biden during a speech on Monday. “Read the obituaries and memories. The son who called his mother every night just to check. The father’s daughter who lit up his world. The best friend who was always there. The nurse – the nurse and nurses – but the nurse who made your patients want to live. ”

Most developed nations have started a massive government vaccination campaign, with about 64 million doses administered in the United States since mid-December.

Biden promised that every American who wanted a vaccine should have access to it by mid-summer and urged citizens to continue to follow strict public health measures even after inoculation to allow the pandemic to run its course.

“But even after being vaccinated, social distance and wearing masks will be essential, and we will need to continue communicating about it,” White House press secretary. Jen PsakiJen PsakiHillicon Valley: Companies call for action at SolarWinds hearing | Facebook lifts ban on Australian news | Biden to take action against Russia in overnight ‘weeks’ in healthcare: vaccine manufacturers COVID-19 promise massive increase in supply | Biden’s health nominee faces first Senate test | White House defends reopening of facility for migrant children Ocasio-Cortez criticizes opening of facility for migrants to children under Biden MORE said earlier this month.
