White House task force Covid-19 warns of possible ‘U.S. variant’ 50% more communicable

The White House Coronavirus The Task Force warned of the possibility that there would be a more transmissible transmission Covid-19 variant that evolved in the USA.

The new strain, in addition to the variant found in Britain, is already spreading in communities and may be 50 percent more transmissible, according to a report obtained by the American media that the task force released to the states on March 3. January.

The task force said the recent increase in cases was almost double the rate seen in the spring and summer seasons, the Xinhua news agency said, citing the report.

“This acceleration suggests that there may be a ‘US variant’ that has evolved here, in addition to the UK variant that is already spreading in our communities and may be 50 percent more communicable,” said the report, calling for aggressive mitigation to match a much more aggressive virus.

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“Without the uniform implementation of an effective face mask (two or three layers and well-adjusted) and strict social distance, epidemics can quickly worsen as these variants spread and become prevalent,” he added.

Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, told CNBC News on Friday that the new strain that the Task Force discovered appears to behave like the one that circulates in the UK.

The most recent development came when the country identified a total of 52 cases. coronavirus variant, according to data updated on Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Twenty-six cases have been reported in California, 22 in Florida, two in Colorado and one in Georgia and New York.

The variant first identified in Britain appears to spread more easily and quickly than other variants.

Currently, there is no evidence that it causes more serious illness or an increased risk of death, according to the CDC.

While the country is struggling to accelerate its Covid-19 launch of vaccines, the Task Force report said that vaccines should “be put on the guns now”.

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“Do not delay the rapid immunization of people over 65 and vulnerable to serious illnesses; recommend the creation of high-performance vaccination sites with the use of EMT staff to monitor potential anaphylaxis and fully use nursing students.

“No vaccine should be in freezers, but instead, it should be put on the guns now; active and aggressive immunization in the face of this increase would save lives,” added the report.

The USA, currently the most affected country in the world, has so far registered 21,857,293 coronavirus cases and 368,736 deaths, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University.
