White House: 11 million doses of Johnson & Johnson next week

The White House said on Friday that Johnson & Johnson will deliver at least 11 million doses next week, a significant increase to meet the company’s goal of 20 million total doses delivered to the U.S. by the end of March.

Whether the company would be able to meet the 20 million dose target was uncertain, as Johnson & Johnson experienced irregular manufacturing.

But the White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff ZientsJeff ZientsTop industry groups press administration for May 1 script to reopen international travel USA is under pressure to share vaccines with the rest of the world. Sunday program preview: Democrats declare victory over the COVID-19 stimulus; Vaccination efforts bring hope for summer MORE said Friday that the company is ready to meet the goal.

“The company said it will deliver the 20 million by the end of March,” said Zients during a news conference. “And from our conversations with the company, they seem on track to meet that goal with at least 11 million doses delivered next week.”

The White House has been working with the company to try to increase its manufacturing. There were a relatively small number of doses, 4 million, available when the vaccine was first authorized in late February.

The supply was also lacking in early March, but the company has now significantly increased its production.

“We did a lot to help J&J,” said Zients. “We are monitoring this very closely.”

Pfizer and Moderna, which had more stable manufacturing processes, are also on track to meet their goals for the end of March, said Zients. Pfizer had previously set a target of 120 million total doses by the end of March, with 100 million for Moderna.

President bidenJoe Biden’s Morning ReportThe Hill – Biden changes in obstruction GOP seems to squeeze Biden, Democrats on the border Sanders creates new headache for Biden in taxes MORE on Thursday it increased its target of managing 200 million shots in the first 100 days, and the country is doing an average of 2.5 million shots a day, at a solid pace.

About half of the states will have opened eligibility for all adults in mid-April, said Zients. Biden set a goal for all states to open eligibility for all adults by May 1.
